The Validity of an Education Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Education
đź“ŚWords: 508
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 29 September 2022

Cell phones, cars, and wifi, what do these three things have in common? Well, let me tell you, These entities share the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction. Such as the many traditions educated innovators have passed down throughout time. To sustain personal growth, a great career, and successful retirement, education is the key factor because in our society without education poverty is limitless. The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction is essential to our society. (thesis)

Education is a necessity for the way of everyday life(flows with first paragraph). Education develops and shapes people into knowledgeable and creative experienced leaders who contribute to our society's originality and creativity. Without someone learning how electricity works, we wouldn’t have the modern technology we have today. Such as appliances, lighting, cooling, refrigeration, and machinery. For example, Bill Gates, the first person to design Microsoft technology, wrote his first software program at the age of thirteen, but after attending college to study programming, he went on to build Microsoft and many other innovations. Bill Gates became an expert in his industry and is now one of the world's wealthiest creators. Because education is a requirement in everyday life, we learn more as we grow older; our learning skills are passed down through generations.(transition sentence connecting the paragraphs.)

Education is how knowledge gets passed down from generation to generation. For instance, in school, we are taught basic skills like reading, math, and how to write. These skills are obtained by listening and hands-on experience. Everything in the world revolves around education. Bypassing this information, people will be able to build on what others have learned. Alexander Graham Bell was the first man to create a telephone is one such example. He probably had no clue that his concept would one day be used to help everyone on the planet. The telephone has evolved into an enabling device for global communication, which aids governments by allowing treaties to be signed during pandemics. If he hadn't shared what he knew with others, this remarkable invention would never have occurred. Though self-flourishing has been enabled through general knowledge and growth, as well as acquiring knowledge specifically to boost your skill sets.(transition sentence connecting the paragraphs.)

Statistics demonstrate that the more education you have, the more successful you will be in our competitive society. Being an expert in your field, regardless of where you acquired your education, whether from an institution or a peer, will not only personalize your achievement but will also contribute to our so-called "knowledge economy." Earnings grow and unemployment falls as educational attainment rises, according to data from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). When workers are grouped by education level, the data shows that those with more education earn more and have lower unemployment rates than those with less education.

Our civilization depends on the ability to receive or give organized education. The world as we know it would not exist without the resources of education. The daily privileges such as technology and transportation are available due to the ability of education that was passed down from each generation due to the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction. Our society would not have evolved to where we are now. Therefore, education is important because when you learn, you teach, and when you teach you evolve.

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