Essay Sample: Does Homework Help Improve Test Scores?

📌Category: Education
📌Words: 429
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 October 2022

In the United States, over 70% of children don’t do their homework (YCI Lab, para. 1). This can hurt students’ lives in many ways. Homework should be required for learning because it helps improve test scores, and teaches problem solving skills.

Students should be required to do homework because it increases test scores. Multiple studies show those, "...who complete homework regularly score higher on tests and receive better grades than those who do not" (Virginia, para.6). In other words, students who do their homework get higher grades on assignments and tests than students who do not, resulting in a better future. Natalie Wexler, a Forbes journalist says “ The ten-minute rule—recommended by homework researchers. That leaves plenty of time for chilling”. What this quote is saying is that the "10-minute rule", which means first graders get ten minutes of homework, second graders get twenty minutes of homework, and so on. The ten minute rule gives the right amount of homework so students don’t stress about it. Indeed, this evidence proves that homework improves children’s academic skills.

Another reason why homework should be required is because homework teaches students time management. Natalie Regoli, a famous journalist states that, "As people grow older, they realize that time is a finite commodity. We must manage it wisely to maximize our productivity. Homework assignments are a way to encourage the development of this skill at an early age" (Connect Us, para. 18). This means that as students grow older, they will have things in their lives that will require time management. It can cause stress and anxiety if time management is not developed at a young age. In addition, homework also reduces procrastination. For example, there are times in life when people need to do things that they don’t like or want to do, such as homework. Whatever method that the student uses to stay focused, they can copy the same method with no problem later when they don’t want to do something. Undoubtedly, homework teaches students many skills and reduces laziness. 

In essence, there is much evidence showing that homework should be required because it raises test scores and enhances problem solving skills. If this argument goes unnoticed, there will be many students who may experience stress and anxiety because of poor time management skills, procrastination, and low test scores. Therefore, schools should continue assigning homework, and parents should encourage their students to do homework.

Works Cited

Regoli, Natalie. “15 Should Homework Be Banned Pros and Cons.” ConnectUS, 10 March 2019, Accessed 18 April 2022.

Virginia. “Is Homework Beneficial & Necessary? | Pros & Cons for Kids & Teens.” iD Tech, 19 January 2021, 

YCI Lab. “ITS Education Asia Article - Stop The Presses : Over 70% of students don't like homework, survey says.” ITS Education Asia, Accessed 21 April 2022.

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