National Honor Society Application Essay Example

📌Category: Education
📌Words: 810
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 October 2022

I am 16 years old and would love to be a part of the National Honor Society. I would be an excellent fit for this society because of my exceptional grades, unique personality, leadership skills, and my service to the community.

A set of qualities that I possess are being able to find the good in any situation. In Equestrian Competitions, I support all the girls on my team.  I encourage them not to let the stress of competition get in their heads. I try to bring them back up when they are upset at their performances. In addition to courage, I feel I demonstrated courage by training my horse to run the barrel pattern. Though I had many setbacks and falls, I was determined to keep going. Another way I am determined is when I play golf and soccer. When I don’t get something right the first time, I keep trying. My family has also taught me bravery and responsibility. When my mom was diagnosed with Leukemia, I needed to care for my younger sister. I reassured her to keep believing that she was going to be alright. A responsibility I gained was helping my older sister with more chores around the house. Compassion is another trait I possess, I have expressed compassion to my grandpa in the progression of his Parkinson's disease. I have always been there with him to help him keep a positive mindset. As I grow into adulthood, I feel these personality traits will help me through life. 

Leadership is a role that I have practiced for most of my life. As a group leader at Vacation Bible School at my church, I help kids every year learn about the Bible while making it enjoyable. This experience has taught me how to keep kids engaged in learning without being bored. I have shown leadership in giving kids a safe environment to have fun and show their personalities. In 4-H, I have exhibited leadership by giving the younger youth in my 4-H group a good role model. I motivate them to become competitive with horse riding and barrel racing.  I have given many of the younger youth tools to train their horses and to have better knowledge of horses. Another leadership role would be coaching my little sister’s soccer team. I teach them ball skills, along with how to pass and score. This helps further their soccer careers. I feel, as a leader, I have inspired many kids of younger generations. I want to continue my leadership skills and get deeper into leadership roles.

I have been raised in a family that finds serving the community important. I have also grown up to appreciate serving the community. I continue to help the youth golf camp every year and have been doing it for the past two summers. In the camp, I have helped youth develop their knowledge of golf and given them the techniques to improve their golf game. In addition to the camp, I have participated in serving Detroit at Cass Community over spring break in my seventh and eighth grades. I hope to help out again but due to covid, I have not been able to go. At Cass Community, we helped by serving meals to the homeless, cleaning warming centers, and doing activities with the cognitively imparted adults of Detroit. I serve at my church, by operating the sound system during services and teaching other members of my church how to use the system. This helps make the service run smoothly and allows people online to enjoy the service. During covid, I helped my dad make face shields on 3D printers. We made around 300 face shields for health departments and hospitals in the area. My service to the community has helped me grow as a person, and I hope to continue to volunteer in the future.

As a high school student, I see school as being very important for my success. I am determined to keep good grades and always study for tests and quizzes. If I don’t understand something I make sure to ask. My goal throughout high school is to keep all A’s. I am learning soft skills like hard work, teamwork, and communication skills. These skills will help prepare me for college. I don’t know what my future career will be, but I do know I want to continue my education and go to college. I have completed career exploration which is a program through the Kent ISD. In this program, I went to career chats and learned about different careers in the STEM field. This helped narrow my options down. I feel that my hard work in high school is going to prepare me for my future in college.

I feel that as a member of the National Honor Society, I would encourage and challenge my peers as well as myself to do more work in the community and school. I believe that the National Honor Society will help grow my leadership skills and character. As a member, I would uphold all of the pillars of NHS. I hope to become a part of the National Honor Society to continue to grow my character, leadership skills, academics, and community services.

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