How do Smartphones in the Classroom Affect College Students’ Literacy? The Smartphones Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 814
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 March 2021

Today’s generation is growing up with affordable cell phones, not complete keyboards. They make sound assistants, and they get money transfers. Along with their books and school supplies, most high school and college students — and even younger students — make their regular school ride with their mobile. Mobile phones link students to each other, to educational services, and to a possible host of distractions. The presence of mobile phones poses both opportunities and challenges for today's students. Cell phones may be a valuable academic tool, or a negative academic disturbance, depending on the mindset and use of pattern of the students and the policies of the schools they attend.

Educators have reached the point in teaching where it is nearly impossible to imagine this reality without cellphones, computers, and, most importantly - the Internet. People are bent on combining the real world with the material of artificiality, a lot that enormous research is afoot in these fields of virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc. It is not difficult to believe how creativity and technological development is a double-edged sword. For example, on one side, the Internet has led to this growth of social media, which has permitted these people to articulate their beliefs and interact with their loved ones quickly and conveniently. Yet, in contrast, it has led to a spate of issues, e.g., dependence, cultural skills degradation, lack of focus, and health concerns, e.g., insomnia and restlessness.

Although computers may help students with some illustrations, it does not take emotions, apart from the teacher getting students through grade or knowledge to support the child’s intellectual growth. Computers cannot change human opinions. Artificial intelligence will determine a student’s questions anytime, unlike the classroom structure.

That, Certainly, has impacted young people’s power to interact with one another, as they are less frequently exposed to spoken and visible affective cues, e.g., tone of voice, posture, and eye contact. Kerry Cronin, a professor at Boston College, noticed her young students’ cultural ineptitudes and decided to get going on a date for the official teaching task. “You must take somebody out personally (i.e., not in the text message, Facebook, or IM),” this task outlines.

This, as you might have, impacted their levels and level of work. Students who were less disturbed got higher GPAs than students who frequently shifted back and away and those who regularly saw Facebook or text contents. Students who got strategies for learning also got higher GPAs per Rosen’s judgments. Boundaries-If we want our kids to thrive in school and use technology (and we all do), we want to make limits. Talk about the proper time and place to take technology with the person and make sure they understand those principles.

College education has changed drastically over the last decade. Students are applying tablets at volumes and get access to more teaching opportunities outside the room than ever before. Additionally, this beginning of social media has always altered the way students act with one another socially. Living on college campuses across the nation is becoming increasingly digitized, partly because of students’ share and comfort in cultural and digital structures. Day’s college students came of age with social media, and they probably get very few memories of the time before cell phones. (Rashid, B., Jun. 2017). Social media may cultivate cooperation between students, but it may also be a potent way to teach in the college room. (Newlon, C., Jul. 2014).

Most children take to playing games and spending their time on social networking websites with cell phones within the classroom, wasting precious learning time. During examinations as well, children have taken to cheating from the internet as well as each other through these devices which keep them connected to everything around the world including each other. An answer on the exam paper is simply a click or a text message away. Thus, even though these gadgets have some amount of classroom potential, they have been misused since their inception within class hours, making children even more prone to not understanding what is being taught, and making them callous in their attitude towards learning, and therefore, should be banned for usage within the classroom.

Almost every class room around the world has a no cell phone policy – and much rightly so. Cell phones have become the biggest distraction, especially in a student’s life because of the capacity of applications and tools that they contain. Students find it tough to work on essays with pen and paper and have become obsessed with copying and pasting information for their work from the internet. Thus, it is leading to retarding their learning and growth process. Not only this, but cell phones keep beeping all the time and distracting young minds from learning what is important. Since almost every student is connected to the other, an array of text messages and calls never leave them, even inside the classroom. Thus, there should be some hours a day where a student does not communicate via his cell phone, but pays attention to what is being taught.

Works Cited

Rashid, B. (Jun. 2017). How This Entrepreneur Is Changing The Way College Leaders Are Learning. Forbes. Retrieved from

Newlon, C. (Jul. 2014). What Makes Your School So Special? Lessons From #MyTopCollege. Forbes. Retrieved from

Newlon, C. (Jul. 2014). What Makes Your School So Special? Lessons From #MyTopCollege. Forbes. Retrieved from



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