Essay Sample on Biodiversity

📌Category: Animals, Environment
📌Words: 476
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 October 2022

Biodiversity is the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem. So In the forests, we have elk, deer, black bears, turkeys, and maybe even a red-tailed hawks soaring above looking for rodents, insects, and toads. These animals depend on the streams, trees, plants and berries, and when people are careless and throw a cigarette, match, or just not take care of their campfire, It can cause harm/destruction to these poor animals. When a forest fire occurs these animals are forced to run for safety, some animals make it out alive but with bad burn marks, and some may not make it out at all. This destruction causes there to be no food so the animals are forced to move and relocate where they can find all their needs. Hunting is another destruction, people are hunting Elephants for their tusks and I believe their skin too, so They can use it for jewelry and more.

This is causing small amounts of elephants to be around, so eventually if they don't stop this they’ll be extinct. The most major The extinction that is happening at the moment is Pollution. Pollution is harming/killing all animals, and will eventually kill us. The trash we throw in our trash cans goes to the dump, and from there it goes to landfills or dumped in the ocean, it has started to catch fire on its own due to chemicals and heat. When plastic burns it releases a chemical that is destroying the ozone layers, the ozone layers are what protects us from the suns full heat, and slowly over time we notice that the summers are getting hotter and hotter, thats because of the ozone layers, we can stop this by using plant made products, they can break down easier. The polar bears are dying/going extinct because the heat is melting their ice and they can't hunt which means they can't eat so 

They are starving and dying because of the warm climate. They are such tranquil animals and they are dying because of our pollution. There is no way to reverse what is happening now so all we can do is wait for them to die, there is no way to help them. The ice is melting away, we can't bring that back.. I wish I could help all the animals from people, like in China, they have large amounts of food, but they decide to kill the dogs for meat. The animals on earth are suffering due to people's actions. If people would take care of their trash and limit as much trash as possible we wouldn't have this problem.  People may disagree but it's true.. All the little kittens and puppies and even when they are grown 

People use them for dog fights or as bait for training.. Or when someone's dog or cat has babies they throw them in a bag like trash. People don't deserve to thrive, animals do. The poor animals are so innocent. I wish I could save all the animals in the whole WORLD! 

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