William Golding's Lord of the Flies: Conch Symbolism (Essay Example)

📌Category: Literature, Lord of the Flies
📌Words: 479
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 October 2022

In Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses a conch to symbolize a civilized society that regulates itself through democratic engagement. At first, it was used by Ralph to call the others for a meeting. Eventually, it was used to help be like a democratic society with order, and a leader that leads the others. To keep everything in order as well, Ralph added “We’ll have rules… lots of rules!” The boys unilaterally agree that the conch symbolizes a familiar and worthwhile ideal. 

In the beginning, Simon adds that the beast could be real, but not in the way the other boys think. When he says, “Maybe there is a beast... maybe it's only us,” he could not only be talking about animals, but humans themselves. Simon recognizes that the beast is a symbol of the dark side of human nature, but he simply could not know how to tell the others in a way they would not freak out or overreact. It is when the others think that there is no such thing as this beast, they find it hard to understand Simon’s words. Although, when Jack says that “the beast is not in the forest,” he was right. The beast is all over the place in everything or one.  

In so many books and movies, there is always someone in that group that betrays or kills someone they know. Although, it proves to show in real life too, were there are presidents going on a fight or where serial killers who were once innocent humans start to kill people. The way you grow up affects how you turn out to be, and how you treat others around you. The evil that is in front of you can cause you to change what you used to think. Some do not know or conceive of the actions they did. 

Furthermore, People are not only human but can be animals and savages. When Piggy says” What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages? What the grownups are going to think,” deciphers Piggy’s idea from his point of view, that he is one of the sane voices in the group while others are going wild. After seeing that Ralph is not asserting his authority, Piggy tries to help him. Although Ralph needs to take responsibility and keep everything in check since he is a leader. Since there are no adults or some sort of control, the boys will get out of hand, and they will become uncontrollable.  

Given the circumstances, in both quotes from Lord of the Flies William Golding reveals that human beings need to have rules and balance. In the novel, it shows that without it, it can cause people to turn into animals, and spiral down from what they truly are. Humans will grow evil, and their instincts will go into prey mode to survive the outcomes to come. Although it is not easy to build a strong civilization, it is needed for there to be control. Golding proves to us that humans harbor primal instincts that can make them behave savagely.

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