Survivor Consumer Type Essay Example

📌Category: Business, Marketing
📌Words: 982
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 29 September 2022

Out of the eight VALS types I did not classify as the survivor consumer type. Characteristics of people who are placed in the VALS type survivors are often found to be more cautious and loyal. A consistent daily schedule suffices them as they avoid change in the world. As a result, they find comfort in a static lifestyle, not kindly accepting technical advances in the world. More than likely this type does not possess the newest iPhone or social media apps to keep them up to date on current events therefore they rely on local tv news channels for their sources. When envisioning the description of this consumer group, the image of an older person sitting on the porch in the morning with birds chirping, sipping on Maxwell's coffee while reading a newspaper before heading to work comes to mind. Age-wise this image is correct as the average age is around sixty-eight years old (CITE WEBSITE). Statistically, women are more prominent in this category than men because women tend to do more of the bargain shopping. Survivors maintain either a low-paying job or no job as they are less motivated. Retired or current blue-collar and factory jobs are dominated by the survivor group. They live with very few resources at hand and do not feel the need to. The need for a flashy luxurious lifestyle is not the most important issue on their mind, meeting their needs is the main priority. Instead, these individuals express themselves in their own ways, not worrying about keeping up with current trends. Goodwill and flea markets are their main shopping sources because they like to spend less. Couponing is considered entertaining to them and once they find a product that fits their desires they will remain a loyal consumer to it regardless if research discovers the product could be harmful to their health. Off-brand household products and thrifted house decor like a sign saying, "welcome" will be found throughout their house. They lean towards buying more products in person and buying on sale products because of their inability to use the internet. A survivor's car would be no more than a fifteen thousand dollar car with a small frame, possibly an early model of a small Ford. The biggest way to reach these consumers is through tv ads, magazines, and newspapers. To create brand recognition in this group social media would not affect them as they do not own the latest technology needed to access it. Print media and advertising on tv channels would be the best way to reach this audience due to the times they grew up in as tv and radio were the only mass medium. Older audiences take up a great number of magazine and newspaper sales therefore showcasing it on these platforms are ideal. Magazines like Reader's Digest, AARP magazine, and Yours focus on the marketing of elders. Types of ads that interest them are ads that display deals that convenience them they are getting as much "buck for their bang".

Companies have many ways of conveying their point of view to consumers who are buying their products. Pantene is a shampoo, conditioner, and hair styling product brand that has come under scrutiny in the past few years due to its dangerous ingredients. The type of advertising they use is defined as famous person testimonial. Famous person testimonial is when a well-known person endorses a product for a company (344). Over the many years, the company has used celebrities to boost their standings among individuals. The most known ambassador of Pantene is Selena Gomez as she appears in many commercials for them starting around 2015. Selecting Selena was not random, they explicitly chose her because of her appeal to people born in the millennial and gen z generation who grew up with Selena on their television screen as she was an actress for Disney Channel. She also appeals to many ethnicities as she is of Mexican and Italian descent, but is a United States citizen. The product advertising method is targeted at the believer type. In the 2019 Pantene commercial the viewers experience love and a strong family presence which attracts the attention of the believers. A believer's life is centered around a strong family foundation. Pantene is a very commercial brand that believers prefer to purchase because of its familiarity. Throughout the 2019 commercial you see various ages of females represented while Selena's song plays in the background. You see many joyful events happening like a wedding and in another case people dancing in their living room. Believers value a good life and strong morals which by showing a wedding taking place feeds into that. This shows the association principle ("a widely used persuasive technique that associates a product with a positive cultural value or image even if it has little connection to the product") as it identifies this product with a strong female presence and a happy life (345). The phrase "Strong is Beautiful" is also used in many commercials to send a message of women's empowerment through their shampoo. 

After taking the VALS survey I was placed in the category of the experiencers. According to the US VALS Framework chart, experiencers use higher resources and use self-expression as motivation (339). Descriptions include they are more of a free spirit when it comes to how they live and yearn to experience as many adventures as they can for fear they will be left out of life's wonders. They are highly motivated to benefit themselves, not particularly motivated for or by anyone else. Dressing in their own way they often rebel against clothing trends if they get too mainstream. I believe this section of the consumer group is fitting to me because I am young and eager to experience new adventures. If I do see a new product with great reviews I tend to buy it, but I do not impulsively spend as some experiencers would though. This survey is accurate in the sense of my personality and my social activities as I like to go out to different social events. It accurately reflects that I would buy an object I deem cool whether I need it or not for a low price. I am very tight with my money, but if it can further my ability to have fun I will most likely purchase it fitting the profile of an experiencer.

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