Positive and Negative Aspects of Teen Curfews Essay Example

📌Category: Social Issues
📌Words: 235
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 25 September 2022

Most teenagers are eager to go out on weekends, have fun with their friends on the dance floor or simply watch the movies. Majority of parents have no problems with letting their children go out, but they have a set of rules such as curfew. Curfew is a previously determined time when teens should be at home. While some people think curfews are necessary in order to keep children safe, others see a few downsides of their use.

Firstly, having a curfew can teach teenagers a lot about responsibility. They have to be careful where they are going if they want to be home on time, so they learn about time managment and also are being cautious with their actions. Furthermore, staying out late can be very dangerous especially for younger populations, so curfew is protecting them of dangerous situations and causes a safe and sound teen years.

On the other hand, some curfews can be too strict, and that could be a problem for some teenagers if they are going home earlier then everyone. Moreover, they can slowly be expelled from the group since they are missing on all the happenings. Additionaly, curfew can cause a lot of arguments among teenagers and their parents and they could turn to lying. 

There are both positive and negative aspects of this theme. Curfews keep teenagers out ot trouble, but can lead to trouble in the family. Personally I think that curfews could be a good thing if they are based on an agreement of both sides.

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