Personal Essay Example about Mistakes

📌Category: Life, Myself
📌Words: 451
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 October 2022

I” ve done some pretty stupid things in my life sometimes i wonder if there's something wrong with me. It's one of the few if not it's the only insecurity I have. There isn't anything wrong with me but I still have way too many ridiculous stories to count. I have learned from some of them. Sometimes when I mess up I want to cry. It might not be an earth-shattering mistake but I still want to lay on the floor and cry. 

One reason it's hard for me to not worry about making a mistake is because I make so many mistakes all the time! I was in the car with my mom after I went to get groceries with her. I wasn't thinking so I peeled a sticker off a plastic container and folded it in half and bit it. FOR NO REASON. And my mom looked at me and said, “it is literally mid pandemic and you put a piece of plastic from a store in your mouth?”. It wasn't even an angry tone but I started crying and I wished I hadn't made a fool of myself. I felt like a crybaby because I didn't even do anything as bad as spilling soda on the carpet. I wasn't happy and felt like crying.

 Another reason I hate mistakes is because I always think I look stupid. Dumber than a box of hair. Another stupid thing I've done was dance at the top of a flight of stairs. Ding ding, you guessed it, I fell. Somehow I didn't get that hurt. It sounded like it should've hurt by the many thuds you could hear as I fell. I sat at the bottom of the stairs for a second thinking about why I danced at the top of the stairs. I couldn't think of a reason. It was a thoughtless action and I had no reason to do so and that made me feel more stupid than ever 

A third reason I don't like making mistakes is because I think I could've done something else and gotten a better ending. Maybe I could've prevented my mistake if I had done something different. I tend to blame myself for things I didn't do or that aren't my fault. Like if someone was being mean to my friend and I try to get them to stop but now they are mean to me too. I try to think of it as ‘oh but you were trying to help your friend’ but then I also think. ‘it's my fault that they are mean to me. If I had done something else I wouldn't have been in the way or made things worse'. I don't know what to think or who to blame so I blame myself for a simple mistake. I over-elaborate until I'm having a mental breakdown somewhere. I. hate. Making. Mistakes.

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