Life in Islamic Revolution Essay Example

📌Category: Experience, Life
📌Words: 675
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 18 April 2021

She moved around substantially because her parents wanted to keep her safe. Living in Iran affected her life in many ways including; being told she had to dress a certain way/wear a veil. This prevented her from expressing herself through her clothes and hair. In Iran, the government used religion to compose these laws, suppressing citizens who did not faithfully practice Islamic traditions. These laws prevented Iranians from celebrating the western culture, such as listening to ‘punk’ music, dressing in certain clothes, having alcohol, parties, etc.

During this time in Iran, there was a revolution to overthrow the current king: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. As a consequence of the hazardous environment, Satrapi was forced to move away from her parents to Austria. Because of the war going on at her home, she felt worried and guilty for her parents. In Europe- Iran being known as the “epitome of evil”-she did not have the same opportunities as she did in Iran. Although she had more freedom, in some ways, she felt more oppressed because of racism and discrimination. For example a nun claimed she had no education because of where she had come from. 

When Satrapi was a child, the school that she attended was taught by misinformed teachers. These teachers reflected their personal beliefs such as the king-who at the time was cruel dictator-was chosen by God. Satrapi, not knowing fact from opinion believed them and informed her parents of this ‘discovery’ which her parents soon corrected. When the teacher-usually known to hold knowledge-expresses a personal opinion students may mistake this as a fact. The students did not think for themselves, their teachers did and that affects their identity because it is coming from someone else's beliefs.

The author moved around a lot and this affected her gravely when she eventually returned home, she was so depressed that she tried to kill herself. “So I waited until my wrist healed and swallowed all my antidepressants”(Page 273.) Later after she recovered she left for college. When she was late to class one day, she ran to catch a bus and two officers pulled her over. “Hey blue coat stop running! Madame, why are you running? I’m very late I was running to catch my bus. Yes… But… When you run, your behind makes Movements that are… How do you say?...obscene! Well then don’t look at my ass!”(pg 301). When the officers accused her of running, they sexually harassed her, she grew up in a society where women weren't allowed to show off their body and then men put them down when they did even if it was an accident.

Because of her father's friends and the time and place she grew up in, she knew things many children her age did not such as torture, death, and tyranny. “I never imagined that they could use that appliance for torture. Those stories had given me new ideas for games. The one who loses will be tortured.” (pg 51 and 53) Even as a young child she was familiar with hard constructs such as torture she thought of this as normal to be tortured and she was stronger than children who grew up elsewhere because she was exposed to these hard concepts at a young age. When she originally moved to Europe, she wanted to fit in so badly that she faked liking certain activities. “So I pretended to participate, but I never inhaled the smoke.” (pg 192). Along with pretending to smoke, Satrapi also tagged along with other activities such as clubbing, music venues, etc. At one of the clubs she went to, she was asked where she was from. “And where are you from Marie-Jeanne? I’m French.” (pg 195). She lied about her ethnicity because she was ashamed because Iran was known as The epitome of evil. 

Satrapi's identity was gravely affected by the environment she lived in. She faced troubles many of us could never think of and moved around from place to place. She became independent she was 13 when her parents sent her to live in Europe. This may have affected her identity along with other aspects such as war and discipline. Growing up in Iran, Satrapi was forced to dress very conservatively and wear a veil. This lack of expression may have caused her to have a very different identity, then she might have if she had more freedom.


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