Essay Sample on Depression: A Very Serious And Devastating Disease

📌Category: Health, Mental health
📌Words: 748
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 October 2022

Millions of people suffer from depression. It has an impact on our mental health, and we should be aware of it at all times. It is as bad as, if not worse than, having a physical disability. Depression can be difficult to overcome, and we should assist anyone in need who is suffering from depression. Depression can last for at least two years, which is an extremely long period of time. When a person is depressed, it alters the way they think, feel, and handle activities such as sleeping and eating. There are numerous reasons why someone may experience depression. We should all remember to help anyone who is in need. Depression is a very serious disorder that affects our mental health; we must acknowledge that depression exists and that it is serious. Not only is this a very serious topic to discuss, but it also has a lot of health consequences, which could lead to relationship problems with loved ones in the end. A person suffering from depression requires motivation to recover because they are going through a lot at the time.

Depression not only harms your mental health, but it also has other negative health consequences.

When you are depressed, a lot of things can happen to you. Depression can result in a wide range of symptoms in our central nervous system. This can cause you to become extremely tired, sad, irritable, and angry. Everyone needs to understand that people suffering from depression are dealing with all of these physical changes. We shouldn't call it fake or use it to mock someone. If you don't suffer from depression, you don't understand how everyone else feels. These health consequences are severe, and they affect more than just our mental health, as demonstrated above.

Depression can cause a variety of relationship issues with friends, family, and loved ones.

When you're depressed, you want to be alone. A person suffering from depression may find it difficult to go out and about, and their level of interaction with others may suffer significantly. This can happen for a variety of reasons. This can occur when experiencing feelings of rejection, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. You will begin to speak less with people such as your siblings or even your parents, especially if you live alone. You will start to lose contact with some of those people. Because you rarely talk to them, your friends may believe you no longer want to be friends with them. This can lead to them making fun of the person suffering from depression. Many people, particularly those in their twenties, have girlfriends or boyfriends whom they adore. Many people keep their emotions hidden from their girlfriend or boyfriend. This may give them the impression that you don't love them as much as you used to. If all of this happens to a depressed person, it can lead to them having even worse thoughts than before.They also might not think that mental disabilities are real. I think everyone should be open about their depression. If people don’t have knowledge about it then that could lead to major relationship problems like I said before. To cure depression, we should always motivate anyone we know who is depressed.

People suffering from depression need to know they are not alone. We should try to make them understand that we are here for them and will assist them whenever they need it. We should tell them that it's okay not to feel good all of the time. Encourage them to sit beside you and express their emotions. Everyone has good and bad days. You should explain to them that you will always be there for them. There may be dark days, but there are always bright days to follow. Take that person outside and take them for a walk. We must educate everyone on the importance of motivation in treating depression. They have a lot of negative thoughts running through their heads. The more you encourage them, the more they will venture outside and socialize. Negative thoughts will gradually fade.

Depression is a serious disorder that has an impact on our mental health; we must recognise that depression exists and that it is serious.

Depression is more than just a minor mental illness, as you have just seen. It has serious health consequences, serious relationships are broken up, and we should always motivate that person who is in need.

Depression, in my opinion, is one of the most serious diseases ever. If you don't have depression, you have no idea what it's like for those who do, but we can raise awareness for it together. If you suffer from depression, you will understand how real it is. Depression can have a negative impact on people's lives. Above, I mentioned to everyone that we need to raise awareness about depression because it isn't a joke; it is real.

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