The Disappearances of the Bermuda Triangle Essay Example

📌Category: United States, World
📌Words: 1459
📌Pages: 6
📌Published: 28 April 2021

Planes and ships are said to have mysteriously vanished while passing through the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is a section of the Atlantic Ocean that goes from Bermuda to Miami to Puerto Rico (“Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle”). The mysterious disappearances of the Bermuda Triangle have grabbed people’s attention and imagination for over seventy years (Lusher). Many theories were brought up to explain the disappearances of planes and ships going through the Bermuda Triangle. Some of these theories include ties to Atlantis, hexagonal cloud formations, aliens, and many other theories. The only problem is all of these theories are mysteries within themselves. Therefore, these mysteries cannot prove the disappearances tied to the Bermuda Triangle, which means the only other explanation is environmental issues. The lack of evidence in a supernatural influence, the findings of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and hexagonal clouds prove human error and environment issues explain the disappearances linked to the Bermuda Triangle. 

First, inaccurate evidence of boat and plane disappearances proves that human error and environment issues are the causes of the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle. Most evidence that people claim to prove the Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious, dangerous place, is proven to be inaccurate, “And despite the fact that Berlitz’s bestseller linked the Mary Celeste to the Bermuda Triangle, even though the ship had been found abandoned off the Azores, on the other side of the Atlantic, and its New York-Italy route would have taken it nowhere near the triangle.” (Lusher). This shows that the main causes of questioning of the Bermuda Triangle, do not even have anything to do with the Bermuda Triangle.

The Mary Celeste cannot prove there are any mystical events happening in the Bermuda Triangle because it did not crash there, which proves that the only other explanation is environmental issues. Furthermore, Flight 19, which was said to have mysteriously vanished, sunk because due to human error and weather, and the search-and-rescue ship was seen blown up when it was said to have disappeared (Lusher). This means that people are under the misconception that something supernatural happened to Flight 19 when it was merely a technical error. This evidence proves that most evidence used to prove that there are supernatural events occurring in the Bermuda Triangle are actually caused by environmental influences. Flight 19 and the Mary Celeste were both said to have vanished under supernatural circumstances in the Bermuda Triangle when both only had human and environmental issues.

Second, the Bermuda Triangle can be explained by environmental influences through not only the inaccurate evidence of plane and ship disappearances but also through the lack of evidence of supernatural influence in the area. In trying to prove supernatural theories, evidence tends to get blown out of proportion, “So, said Mr Kruszelnicki, when you then compare the number of disappearances to the large quantity of ships and planes passing through the Bermuda Triangle, you find there is nothing out of the ordinary about the area at all.” (Lusher). The amount of ships and planes that go missing in the Bermuda Triangle is nothing compared to the ships and planes that pass through the area.

This evidence proves that the Bermuda Triangle has no supernatural events occurring because, in order to raise suspicion of supernatural events, there has to be an abnormal amount of crashes. Additionally, the number of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle is the same as any other part of the ocean (Lusher). This means the number of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle area is the same ratio to the rest of the oceans in the world. This proves that environmental issues are the cause of the disappearances because there is no evidence that proves the number of disappearances is out of the ordinary. The Bermuda Triangle disappearances are exaggerated to make it seem like it is more than it is, proving that the ship and plane crashes that do happen, are no more than human and environmental error.

Third, not only does inaccurate evidence prove that environmental issues are the cause of the Bermuda Triangle disappearances, but the findings of The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also proves this point. The U.S. Department of Commerce says, “The U. S. Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name and does not maintain an official file on the area.” (NOAA). This means that the government does not consider the Bermuda Triangle a legitimate place. This proves that the disappearances have no supernatural ties because the government does not think there is legitimate evidence to prove that is nothing more than environmental influences. In addition, due to all the islands in the Caribbean Sea, there are tons of places with shallow water which can cause ships to wreck (NOAA). This means that there are many areas for ships to crash due to coral reefs in the shallow waters. This proves that environmental influences are the cause of the disappearances of ships and planes because the crashes are caused by the makeup of the ocean, not supernatural occurrences. The findings of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration confirms that the Bermuda Triangle disappearances are due to human and environmental issues because of shallow waters and the government not recognizing the Bermuda Triangle.

Fourth, not only do the findings of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration prove that the Bermuda Triangle disappearances are only due to human and environmental issues, but the incorrect theory that Hexagonal Clouds are the cause of the disappearances proves human error and environmental issues are the real cause, too. McLean says, “‘Microbursts are specific as they are produced by large thunderstorms,’ says The Weather Network meteorologist Scott Sutherland. ‘While they are powerful downdrafts of wind and can create large waves if they occur over water, these specific hexagonal cloud shapes are likely just due to the shape of the islands and the heating of the land, in comparison to the ocean water.’" (McLean). This quote means that hexagon shaped clouds form air blasts that create large waves that cause ships to crash. This proves that, instead of supernatural occurrences, environmental influences are the cause of the Bermuda Triangle disappearances because the hexagonal clouds have been proven to be unconnected to bursts of air. Moreover, the hexagonal clouds could cause microbursts, but there have been no microbursts caused in the hexagonal clouds over the Bermuda Triangle (Weisberger). This means that there have been microbursts, but none have occurred over the Bermuda Triangle. This proves that the hexagonal clouds do not prove the Bermuda Triangle disappearances because the hexagonal clouds have yet to occur in the Bermuda Triangle area. People claim that hexagonal clouds cause microburst that crash planes and ships, but there is no proof that there are any microbursts caused in the Bermuda Triangle.

Fifth, Hexagonal clouds, causing microbursts, are not the cause of the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle because there is no real evidence. NASA says, “interesting clouds produced by an atmospheric phenomenon known as ‘closed Rayleigh-Binard convection cells.’ These cells, or parcels of air, often occur in roughly hexagonal arrays in a layer of fluid (the atmosphere often behaves like a fluid) that begins to "boil," or convect, due to heating at the base or cooling at the top of the layer.” (Lusher). This claims that the air on the hexagonal clouds heats up and gives heat to dry air above the clouds. This evidence does not say that stormy blasts are formed from these hexagonal clouds, nor does it say that ships and planes crash because of them. In addition, stormy blasts flip ships into the ocean and bring planes crashing into the ocean, as well (McLean). This means that the “stormy blasts” from the hexagonal clouds send ships into the ocean. This proves that hexagonal clouds are not the cause of the Bermuda Triangle disappearances because it has been proven that stormy blasts do not occur over the Bermuda Triangle. The stormy blasts from hexagonal clouds are not the cause of the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle because of the evidence that these stormy blasts do not occur in the hexagonal clouds over the Bermuda Triangle.

The Bermuda Triangle’s “disappearances” were nothing more than exaggerated and inaccurate facts. The findings of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration confirmed that most of the crashes are due to environmental causes. The hexagonal clouds and microbursts could not be the cause of the disappearances because hexagonal clouds do not happen in the Bermuda Triangle area. The Bermuda Triangle’s disappearances are explained through environmental conflicts and human issues because of incorrect evidence, the findings of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the hexagonal clouds. The Bermuda Triangle’s disappearances are mostly made up, much like “fake news” we see in the political world today.

Works Cited

Admin. "Bermuda Triangle - Supernatural Explanation." Bermuda Attractions, Accessed 21 Feb. 2019.

Descloitres, Jacques. "NASA Visible Earth: Hexagonal Cloud Cells in South Atlantic Ocean."

NASA Visible Earth: Home, 11 Aug. 2009,

Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.

Lusher, Adam. "Scientist 'solves? Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle ? by Claiming There Was

 No Mystery in the First Place." The Independent, 27 July 2017,

r-karl-kruszelnicki-debunked-unexplained-a7861731.html. Accessed 21 Feb. 2019.

Mindblower. "Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Solved|Scientific India Magazine." Scientific

India Magazine, 21 Oct. 2016, Accessed

29 Jan. 2019.

NOAA. "What is the Bermuda Triangle?" NOAA's National Ocean Service, 25 June 2018, Accessed 29 Jan. 2019.

Pelmorex Weather Networks Inc., Leeanna. "Why Hexagonal Clouds Don't Solve

Bermuda Triangle Mystery." The Weather Network, 26 Oct. 2016,


Weisberger, Mindy. "No, 'Honeycomb' Clouds Don't Explain Bermuda Triangle Mystery." Live

Science, 24 Oct. 2016, Accessed 20

Mar. 2019.


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