Advertising Analysis of Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi (Essay Example)

📌Category: Business, Corporation, Marketing
📌Words: 532
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 October 2022

Did you know that Pepsi and Coca Cola originally cost 5 cents per glass? Coke and Pepsi are multi-billion dollar companies and collectively they are worth half a trillion dollars. They are also marketing giants as they spend about 4 billion dollars each year on advertisements and marketing. Both companies have different ways of advertisementing by using catchy slogans, color scheming, visual balance and different themes. But the big question is which company's advertisements are the most effective. In my opinion, Pepsi's advertising is the most effective because of their creative and catchy slogans but in contrast to coca cola, their visual balance is lacking.

The Coca Cola advertisement is less creative because it uses sports like other companies which use the same concept to market their products too. Like Nike, which uses sports in many of its advertisements. According to me using sports in advertisements is something that is overused and thus it does not attract end consumers. For Pepsi though, they used an IV which is more medical related than sports, which makes it more impressive. Pepsi’s advertising message is “come to life”, which is more creative than the coke advertisement because it says that Pepsi should be inside you. Coke’s advertising message is “where you play, the pause that refreshes with ice cold coca cola”, which means that during breaks in sports, drink coke. In my opinion Coke’s slogan is not imaginative because it has the same idea as any other company that uses sports in their advertisement which is basically to use our products when playing sports. 

The Coca cola advertisement is more complex and effective because there are alot of vibrant colors and the visual balance. The Pepsi advertisement uses darker colors and it also has only one picture. The Pepsi advertisement is less effective because people don’t get the message of the advertisement because there are not many things that help the viewers understand what the advertisement is talking about. The quantity of pictures abouts sports can help the viewer understand the message of the advertisement. 

The Coca Cola advertisement is related to sports because there are pictures of sportgear and people playing sports in the background. Also because you need energy to play sports and coke is like an energy drink as it has a high content of sugar and caffeine which gives the indication that drinking coke will give you a lot of energy when you are playing a sport. The Pepsi advertisement is more related to medicine because in the middle of the advertisement there is a IV which is medical equipment. The pepsi advertisement wants you to believe that pepsi should be inside of you. 

Both companies' advertisements are different in a number of ways. The Coke advertisement is more complex and effective because of the number of pictures and colors which helps the viewer understand it. The Pepsi advertisement is more inventive because of its message and different from most companies as it uses medical equipment to advertise their product. Finally, the coke advertisement is more related to sports because in the background there are sports being played because it gives them the connection that they should drink coke when playing sports because it will give energy. Also, it shows sportsgear like a football or a tennis ball. The Pepsi advertisement is more related to medicine because of the Iv in the middle of the advertisement and it wants you to believe that Pepsi should be inside you.

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