Murder in The Banff Spring Hotel (Essay Example)

📌Category: Crime
📌Words: 224
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 29 September 2022

Many people nowadays claimed that, there wasn’t lots of mystique stories going on before, but actually there was. Firstly, lets took a look, at this one place called the Banff Spring Hotel located in Canada. Researched has found that, an entire family was murdered in a cold-blood in room 873. 

The Banff Spring Hotel was built in 1888 by an American architect Bruce Price. It was managed under Fairmont Hotels and Resorts and owned by Oxford Properties. The Banff Spring Hotel had been in Canada for almost 134 years now. It was entirely an old hotel, so it does make sense if something mystic happens. 

The story of this hotel was quite enigma and elusive. Although it was a conundrum, but through lots of research’s I found out, there’s two mystery things that happened before it was haunted in 1926. It was a perplexity mystery because a fire broke when an entire family was murdered in a cold-blood in room 873. 

According to legends, a man killed his wife and daughter, and then killed himself. In abstract, future hotel guests within the room have been awoken by screaming and blood stains on the walls which reappear after the cleaning staff removes them. 

Taking everything into consideration, the hotel now was still in the same condition with same unsolved, suspense environment. Lastly, it was a dilemma to live there and I hope there will be a revelation to solve the mystery out.  

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