Free Authoritarianism Essay Sample

📌Category: Government, Politics
📌Words: 622
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 October 2022

According to Civil Rights activist and North Korean defector Yeonmi Park, “In North Korea, we never learned to think critically. There is no concept of individualism. The government treated us as less valuable than animals.” Although some citizens may argue that authoritarianism fosters growth and helps societies progress, many others disagree. Authoritarianism comes at the expense of personal freedoms and imposes oppressive restrictions on the people living under these regimes. This stripping away of personal liberties prevents individuals from growing and improving and holds back critical thinking to serve the interests of a single dictator. It prevents the flourishing of all persons by infringing on free speech and thought, economic growth, and encouraging obedience rather than innovation. Firstly, authoritarian regimes prevent freedom of speech and therefore the prospering of humanity. A scholar states, “The robust exchange of ideas will help preserve individuality, restrain the tyranny of social opinion, and guide the pursuit of truth” (Schultz). Schultz’ words prove the importance of personal freedoms by explaining how a lack of liberty can prevent people from reaching their fullest potential. Even still, authoritarian regimes prevent their people from critically thinking and expressing themselves, making the flourishing of individuals nearly impossible. An example of this is Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s father, who was imprisoned for speaking out against the Siad Barre government and being a leader in the Somali Revolution against authoritarianism. Each example proves the limitations of being unable to speak freely, including the inability to grow as an individual or a society. Another way authoritarian regimes prevent the pivotal flourishing of the people is by limiting economic growth. Authoritarianism has been proven to damage countries’ economies. This is shown by the human development index, or HDI, and the gross domestic product, or GDP. “African countries represent 19 out of the 20 lowest HDI countries, according to a 2020 HDI report, while also representing 18 out of the 20 lowest real GDP per capita nations” (Audu). Another statistic from Simon Audu’s article states that, “Between the years 2013 and 2016, Turkey's GDP has fallen by about 60%, representing a decline in economic development. Moreover, Turkey is experiencing double-digit inflation and an unemployment rate of 13.6 in February 2020.” Both statistics show the negative impact of authoritarian regimes on the growth of the economy. Limitation of the economy holds back individuals by restricting them from a free market, damaging their personal financial situations, and generally making quality of life much lower. An example of these consequences taking effect is Yeonmi Park’s turn to the black market during the economic collapse of North Korea in the 90s. Authoritarianism is a huge setback to the economic wellbeing of many countries. Finally, authoritarianism instills obedience rather than critical thinking. When people are only allowed to follow orders of one dictator, they cannot possibly think or thrive the way they could under a democracy. The article “Why Is an Authoritarian Government Bad?” states, “In a democracy, the ability to criticize the government makes it possible for people to speak their mind, which in turn encourages creativity, innovation and improvement” (European Liberties). The article explains the importance of the power to speak freely. When individuals are encouraged to be innovative and think critically, they grow as people and can learn to problem-solve efficiently and creatively, fostering advancement. A scholar claims, “Authoritarian regimes are very creative in devising repressive policies . . .’granting’ some liberties while others are restricted. Yet we must . . . demand that our liberties be fully respected. Authoritarian regimes seek to nullify the individuality that allows us to realize our goals” (Palmer). Palmer’s statement proves that the pushing of complete obedience to the government hinders personal improvement by preventing people from pursuing the betterment of society. These declarations are exemplary of authoritarianism’s influence on the development of individuals. Authoritarianism comes at the expense of freedom and personal liberties, negatively impacting the flourishing of individuals. It does this by limiting peoples’ free speech, damaging their society’s economy, and instilling obedience in the people fixed under their regimes. The evidence and statistics from many reliable articles undeniably proves these facts.

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