Essay Sample on Pain

📌Category: Health
📌Words: 489
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 October 2022

The psychology behind pain is oh so great, that I can only explain the view which I have on pain.

The basics of pain. The basics of pain i believe we’re all are familiar with. You feel pain when you get hit, cut, fall down, bump into smth and so on. That’s the physical side of pain. We also know that pain is psychological. For example someone precious dying, failing an exam, someone leaving you, etc. These may be your yearly experiences. And yet the human mind cannot remember pain itself. 

Reasoning behind pain. I kinda fucked myself with this hard ass topic. But nonetheless i shall try my best. I’d like to think that the reasoning behind pain is you yourself and the people you surround yourself with. Why do i think that? Because who else can hurt you most if not the people closest/most important to you or you. 

Now firstly Let’s digest how you can hurt yourself mentally not physically because, I think we all know what physical pain you could give yourself(which you should avoid doing). Anyway mental pain is something, i am certain everyone in their lives has done to themselves. It can be as little as “oh I’m an idiot” and it could accumulate over time to “I’m worthless”. You may be thinking right now “but aap it sounds more like depression” well good that your brain works, but the mental pain i talked about starts there. You hurt yourself knowingly and soon you get enveloped in it. 

That is also the exact way you get hurt when someone important to you says or does something intentionally to hurt you. It’s pain that hurts the most and may be long lasting as well. Their words hurt and their actions hurt. And the worst part is, it is hard to get out of it, because they’re important people that you may trust. You might end up in a circle of pain, where your stubbornness to not let go creates more pain.

Solutions to pain. I know this might sound painfully obvious (get the joke?) , but the best solution to pain is to accept it. And this solution is suited more to mental pain over physical. 

Talking about physical pain, you basically have two choices. Either it’s a short pain, ref to cuts and bruises or chronic pain, which lasts who knows how long. Short pain is self explanatory, you fall or bruise yourself so you cry a little or just ignore it and move on. Chronic pain on the other hand is most of the time for half a year or more and accepting it maybe the only solution sometimes, because, if you accept it then it may become less painful and more manageable. 

Now talking about mental pain, ref to depression, anxiety, stress and so on. Are some of the hardest pains to get rid of or even accept. And in reality, the sooner you get help the bigger the chances of you getting rid of it or accepting it. The longer you wait the deeper the rabbit hole will get and the harder it will be for you to recognize yourself again.

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