Essay Sample about Social Anxiety

📌Category: Health, Mental health
📌Words: 287
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 October 2022

Social anxiety is very important sub type of anxiety that is dealt with day in and day out. millions. This paper is to show the importance of understanding and recognizing social anxiety disorder, and just how simple it can be caused, but the long-lasting negative effects it leaves on people’s livelihoods.

Social anxiety, also referred to as a social phobia, is a disorder that is made up of constant fear of interaction, and communicating with other individuals. They are also often very self-conscious about themselves. The anxiety is made up highly of a fear for being judged negatively, to embarrass or humiliate themselves in front of everybody, or for people to start noticing them being anxious. This will usually lead to frequent dodging of social situations, and during the social event that occurs, they might have trouble trying to continue or start a conversation. They often will have less facial expression motions than normal. Social Anxiety Disorder is known to have a big impact on almost every aspect of the persons daily life. It can drastically affect how they perform in daily tasks, and their social skills. Even as they may know of their fear, they still are unable to find a way to beat it. It is known as chronic disorder, and usually lasts between 5-7 months at the minimum. Social Anxiety also has multiple connections to other disorders, such as Autism, and other known disorders. Social Anxiety Disorder usually will not be diagnosed until adulthood, but the signs of it developing may show a lot sooner.

There are multiple different factors that may pave the path for someone to develop the disorder. With the leading causes being past experiences, stress, the environment, and development of different parts of the brain. Even though there are many known causes already, there is still research going on for more depth into the causes.

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