Essay Sample about Carl Friedrich Gauss

📌Category: Science, Scientist
📌Words: 273
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 15 October 2022

Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) was a child genius and a German mathematician along with a  scientist. Gaus was frequently known as the founder of modern mathematics. Gauss was born April 13, 1777 in Braunschweig Germany which at the time was called Duchy of Brunswick. Gauss was born into a poor family and was raised as the only son. Although he was poor his teachers did notice he was brilliant. 

When Carl was 2 years old, he learned how to pronounce  the alphabet from A-Z. Carl began to teach himself how to read by pronouncing the combination of letters out loud. He also taught himself the meaning of each number symbol. Gauss was 7 when he started elementary school. Teachers noticed instantly that Carl was brilliant. Herr Buttner, who was Carl's math teacher, assigned his class with a hard addition problem where the children had to find the sum of integers from 1-100. The class was confused by the question and immediately Carl invented the shortcut formula and ended up with the correct answer. Herr Buttner was amazed by his work and took him under his care. He went and bought Gauss textbooks out of his pockets and taught him the subject of arithmetics. 

In 1788 Gauss started his career at a Gymnasium with the help of his Elementary school teacher Buttner. Buttner taught Carl high German and Latin. Buttner was helping Carl become successful and got Carl a scholarship from Duke of Brunswick in 1792. () In 1795 Gauss left Brunswick and transferred to Gottingen University. His teacher 's name was Kaestner. Carl didn’t have a lot of friends but he did have a friend who he kept around for many years: Farkas Bolyai. Carl left Gottingen without graduating and getting a diploma.

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