Daydreaming Reflection Essay Example

📌Category: Life
📌Words: 497
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 September 2022

Daydreaming can be identified for a lot of reasons, traumatic,consciousness or even  mentally.  We cannot control what we are feeling when daydreaming because it is a random thing that can happen at any moment even when you think you're the most  conscious. It may happen in class, when you're at home watching a movie or even when taking a shower. 

Daydreaming is in our daily lives and it can be harmful and good, it can affect our focus management and with that we need to pay full attention so we can know more about it we should pay close attention to our daily activity and thoughts . 

There are many reasons why Daydreaming is good for us. It helps us stay relaxed, kinda focus on ourselves and let our worries aside. 

In (source 1 paragraph 4) it mentions “Many people find this to be an ideal stress reliever after a long day of work. This can also be a stress-relieving technique after a major argument with a friend, loved one, or even after a traumatic life event”.

It basically says How some people enjoy daydreaming because it has some benefits to them, as long as it is safe mentally and physically it’s all ok . 

Since there are a lot of good sides to daydreaming, we will talk about another good side effect on it. Let’s talk about how it can help you manage conflict or situations that you’ve been going through or will happen in the future.

It is mentioned in(Source 2 paragraph 6) “daydreaming helps review specific situations in your head so you can be prepared for a variety of occurrences”. So this type of daydreaming is like your thinking on possible outcomes and results that you could get from handling the situation in the way you dreamed of . 

Have you ever thought about how daydreaming can help you focus and bring back creativity and even sometimes it can make you be even better on a task that you really need to be interested in so you have all your thoughts on that so you can be 100% on it.(In source 3 paragraph 11) it mentions.“Daydreaming not only boosts your creativity and problem-solving skills, but it also helps you concentrate and focus on a specific task.

It helps your mind wander to thoughts and areas that it might not wander if you had not set aside time for daydreaming.” When daydreaming your focus and purpose  may be on the thing that you really want to have a better understanding of what you're trying to do . 

As daydreaming is a constant thing that sometimes we don’t even notice we can say is part of our lives, it depends on our environment and what we have been feeling lately if is stress or relief, daydreaming will bring you peace or maybe get you anxious is not a really certain feeling you will get but it sure will show you some part of what you experience or have gone through before. Is like a boost to your productivity or a stop sign to it , we always have to be careful with daydreaming because we never know what our next daydreaming will be about.

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