Women in 20th Century Latin America Essay Sample

📌Category: History
📌Words: 530
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 October 2022

The changes and attitudes towards women have changed in politics and in society over the course of the 20th century in Latin America. Over the century there has been a dramatic shift in attitude towards the roles of women. Women in politics are one of the significant things that have changed for women over the centuries. At one point, women could not vote because they were stereotyped to fit into molds that did not allow them to vote. In document two it says that women need to vote to “combat” alcoholism, prostitution, etc. This statement directly correlates all women automatically fitting into one of these groups which is not the case for every woman. Further down the line in the 20th century document seven contradicts with the earlier century ideas, saying that the participation of women is needed “now more than ever”. This is a huge improvement of attitudes towards women in the political system because people began to realize that women should be involved especially in political participation.

In fact, attitudes toward women in society are also one of the crucial changes that have improved for women. In document one it generalized women as being “dedicated to the home” meaning that a woman’s only job was to be a stay-at-home wife. However, in document four is when there is a shift in the attitudes toward women for society standards, saying that the popular revolution will abolish the discrimination women have faced. 

Although it may seem that the attitudes toward women in the political and societal world have changed, *there are still individuals who do not support these role changes for women. Of course, there have been improvements for women over the centuries, however, there have been elements that have not changed for women. For example, there are still individuals in society who do not agree with women and men being equal. This goes for women taking part in politics, especially voting and roles in society like having to be a stay-at-home wife. In document eight it says “it saddens me to see the entrepreneurial world in Brazil” meaning that they do not support the equal labor laws between men and women. The document goes on to say, “she’ll be pregnant soon.” This is another stereotype towards women meaning every woman’s destiny out there is to become pregnant. In the earlier centuries of Latin America that may have been the case, but this is now generalizing women to believe that their sole purpose in life is to become pregnant. There have been significant changes in attitudes toward women however to this day still is generalizations for women in politics and society.

Finally, how we can tell that there has been a change in attitudes toward women for both politics and society? There has been an obvious shift in attitude towards women. One example of this is actions, actions speak louder than words. A significant action that has changed history for women is allowing voting rights for women. This law proves that there has been a substantial change for the lives of every woman. Not to mention the difference in words associated with women. As was previously said, there were stereotypes for women roles in the earlier centuries of Latin America. Women were not equal to men so in document six where it says “women can be equal to men” is a shift in mentality when it comes to women in politics and society.

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