Essay Sample about Stray Animals (Raccoons)

📌Category: Animals, Environment
📌Words: 561
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 20 October 2022

Raccoons need love too. Although the new residents might be just as kind and helpful to the raccoon, Jonas should not call animal control. Many people should help raccoons because it will give them a better chance to survive. Even though the stray is a raccoon it is still a creation that God made, so we should help an animal in need. Variety of people might not want to help stray animals like raccoons, because many stray animals might carry diseases. While it may be true that stray animals may carry parasites like ticks, worms, and fleas. Raccoons are like homeless people. They want shelter and food most importantly for someone to help them. 

First, Jonas should help the raccoon because it gives the raccoon a better chance of survival. Not only is Jonas helping the raccoon to have a better chance to survive, but it is a kind and selfless act. For example, God told us to take care of His creation. This is why it is beneficial for Jonas to help the raccoon even if the raccoon returns to for Jonas to take care of it. If someone needs help to get food and shelter it is perfectly fine, just like it is perfectly fine for someone to help a raccoon find shelter and food.

Second, even though the stray is a raccoon it is still a creation that God made, so we should help an animal in need. It is true that raccoons are harmful creatures, but that doesn’t mean people should treat God’s creation terribly. The Ten Commandments remind us to treat all animals with respect and care, particularly those who work our lands. If people started to feed a wild animal, that doesn’t mean for someone to stop feeding that animal. The purpose for that is, because that animal has learned to be dependent on that person.

Third, raccoons are like homeless people. They want shelter and food most importantly for someone to help them. Why not do the same for the raccoon. A raccoon is like a homeless person, because they have no shelter, another reason is they have to eat whatever they can find such as: food in the trash. There are few people that will understand what an animal is going through and help the animal, but there are plenty of people who don’t want to help the animal. This is exactly what Jonas did, not only with the kindness of his heart, but he also saw the animal as a human being. After feeding it for so long, the raccoon has become dependent on humans for food and must learn to survive on its own. While it may be true that stray animals may carry parasites like ticks, worms, and fleas. They also may have rabies, and also other diseases that can transmit to humans or their pets. Still, all in all they should be treated with care just as us. For example, a disease that can be transmitted by humans is Corona so then it would be fair to treat them badly as well. 

In Conclusion, all stray animals deserve to be treated with love even if they are not human. Raccoons should be treated equally to humans in their time of need for shelter and food, and we should be the ones to help them. Jonas was being kind and helpful, and the new residents might be just and kind and helpful to the raccoon. Any stray animals such as raccoons should be treated equally to humans. All God’s children should remember that God said to take care of His creation, which includes animal.

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