Essay Sample about COVID-19 Restrictions

📌Category: Pandemic
📌Words: 670
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 September 2022

Can we imagine going outside without masks, without the fear of covid, without lockdowns? In this fight against the Pandemic, would freedom outweigh safety? 

In late 2019 the first case of Covid was reported in Wuhan, China. The virus spread among numerous individuals over a few months and was transported around the world. For years we suffered, with about six million deaths from 2019 to 2022, and all governments put out many strict restrictions in their countries including masking, indoor limitations, lockdowns, and more.  In today’s world, It has significantly decreased in some countries including Canada but the question remains: Should the Canadian government remove all Covid restrictions permanently? 

Because Covid still exists, new variants will emerge, and not everyone is vaccinated, the Canadian government must not lift all Covid restrictions.

Although it has been going around for over two years, this pandemic has yet to stop. Covid is not over. Removing restrictions helps the virus multiply and without masks, it spreads along with individuals easily making another wave. Just yesterday, on April 3 there were over 770,000 cases of covid detected worldwide, with Canada having over 2600. The lifting of covid restrictions has happened in Canada before. Premier Jason Kenney announced that the 2021 summer was supposed to be the best summer ever because he would lift Covid restrictions. A few months after the lift, the number of cases rose very quickly, leading to a fourth wave fueled by the delta variant. The same effects will be experienced if restrictions are lifted again. At last, the pandemic is still around with high numbers of cases being detected worldwide, so lifting restrictions will be the same as before. 

Because of a lack of testing due to the removal of restrictions, new and potentially strong variants will emerge. Previously, we could easily determine new variants through a lot of testing. Scientists examined covid cases to observe any mutations, but due to the removal of restrictions there has been a lack of testing on individuals and because of this, new variants will slip by scientists and could potentially have devastating effects on the world. In December 2021, over 100,000 covid tests were being performed a day. After the lift, the number has decreased to 50,000. The new variants that will emerge could be devastating, and the vaccines we have created might not work very well. To sum it up, a lack of testing due to the removal of restrictions will have new variants that could mutate enough to be very dangerous.

From the day Covid vaccines were created, many people took them to protect themselves against the virus. Even though it would prevent you from having covid, it has some side effects and allergic contents which some people have issues with.

Because of the allergies, they can’t vaccinate or else they would have an allergic reaction that will cause them to go to hospitals for treatment. On October 27, 2021, a woman got her vaccine shot but had severe allergies to it shortly after which caused her to go to a hospital for treatment. She was first diagnosed with allergies as a teenager and it has followed her through her life. After she took the vaccine, she said “I was super pumped to be vaccinated for COVID, I had no concerns. I have never reacted to a vaccine and I have had many my whole life.” After this, many people that were allergic decided to not vaccinate against covid. By removing restrictions, we increase the chance that covid will spread among allergic people that have not been vaccinated and it could be fatal for them. 

In conclusion, Because Covid still exists, new variants will emerge, and not everyone is vaccinated, the Canadian government must not lift all Covid restrictions.The virus is still around with a substantial number of cases a day detected worldwide, and lifting restrictions will be the same mistake as before. We could also potentially make the virus stronger. A lack of testing causes scientists to have limited knowledge of the many types of mutations in the virus; it could change enough that the vaccine won’t work. And finally, not everyone has been vaccinated because of the various strong allergic reactions that can occur when taking it. Next time you hear that restrictions are being removed, consider whether it is too soon and if it will harm our society.

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