A Wild Dream Essay Example

📌Category: Experience, Life
📌Words: 580
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 April 2021

I slurp into a strong current of water, sinking fast, a Coriolis effect dragging me down against my buoyancy. As the water pressure grows, I plummet further quickly. Hundreds of animals in distinctive shapes, sizes, and colors spin pell-mell through the water. Numerous plants from a vast diversity are paddling in the current. The aquatic garden has plants that are leafless with stunning flowers like mangroves or grasses. The biome looks like the world’s largest aquarium that has the most extensive marine garden. However, the presence of many beast-like disfigured objects gives an obnoxious feeling. The undertow blows, tosses, rolls, and crumbles them, but some sink to the bottom faster than me. 

As I descend, the water grows colder and darker, but my eyesight steadily increases from an unknown source. I can still see the extensive, uneven ground, a vast abyssal plain beneath me. Propelling down like a torpedo, I see the sediments and debris on the bed and mountains and the trenches beyond the horizon. Eventually, I land on the ocean floor with haunting emotions. 

Across the seabed is an intermittent heap of the beast-like objects. Dead and injured animals lie among them. I pick up one of the strange objects for a closer look. It is a plastic bottle. On instinct, I pick another one, and it is a plastic toy. I continue to inspect the heap, before concluding that the pollutants that befoul the ocean are byproducts from synthetic polymers. It’s disturbing to see how plastics abuse ocean animals. Appalling that a sharp plastic piece is protruding from the stomach of a dead shark lying there. Examining a few other sick and dead animal bodies show the presence of plastic materials in different forms. Nevertheless, human-made plastic is beginning to lead towards the extinction of ocean habitats. The aquatic animals consume plastic materials in water, causing their death, while microplastic residue victimizes the smaller creatures of the ocean. 

Suddenly, a strange thrust sends me upwards. Plastic objects hit on me, leaving bloody marks. At last, I reach the surface, but the sight of tons of floating plastics in the water infuriates me. 

The moon shies away among the dark clouds, but electric bulbs are shining from the buildings and streets on the shore. An area near the coast catches my attention as I see a beautiful white castle-like building illuminated with blue lights. The water draws me closer to it, and I can see the busy movement of people in white gear. They seem like angels from afar. My curiosity is growing to uncover what the people are busy doing at midnight there.

I run toward the castle from the shore. No one seems to guard the front door. I walk like a cat on hot bricks toward a glass window and peek inside. People in white overcoats seem busy working there, but some mutter to each other. Science equipment lines the tables and shelves, containing various liquids and solids that emit colorful fumes. It looks like they are experimenting for something. I heave a sigh of relief on overhearing their talk about reprocessing plastics into biodegradable materials. 

The scientists’ attempt to save the world from plastics elevates me onto cloud nine. Moreover, they seem hopeful of a possible breakthrough in their experiments. Consequently, I want to run through the streets while shouting “Eureka!” but realize it’s premature. My urge to join their research team is beyond expression. Finally, walking home with a fierce determination and high motivation brings a smile on my face.

Hearing a creepy noise, I jerk awake to realize that I am on my bedroom floor. The orange sun rays fall onto my bed through the window as though they are a glimmer of hope. 

“Breakfast time!” 

I hear my mom’s distant voice from the kitchen.


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