Santiago's Journey In The Alchemist Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Books, Literature
đź“ŚWords: 677
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 19 October 2022

An alchemist is someone who can turn metals into riches, cure diseases, and save lives. In the book The Alchemist, the Alchemist guided Santiago to fulfill his personal legend, otherwise known as doing what he was put on Earth to do. The Alchemist was Santiago's greatest helper along his journey because of the lessons he taught him about the world. Without these lessons, Santiago would have never completed his personal legend. At the start of the book, Santiago was a poor shepherd who dreamed of traveling. One day, he dreamt of treasure and sought after it. He met many people along the way who helped him find it. One of the people was known as an alchemist, and he shared the knowledge he knew with Santiago so he can find his treasure and complete his personal legend. The Alchemist is Santiago's greatest helper in his journey because of all the ways he helped Santiago.

One reason the Alchemist helped Santiago the most is when he encouraged Santiago to keep going and achieve his personal legend. A notable example of this is when Santiago didn’t trust his heart. “Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure” (Pg. 119. Santiago used this evidence on his journey to connect with his heart. By connecting to his heart, he was able to get back on track to completing his personal legend and finding his riches. If he didn’t connect with his heart, he wouldn’t have fulfilled his personal legend and found his treasure. Due to this indisputable evidence, the Alchemist was Santiago's greatest helper. The second example of the Alchemist being Santiago’s greatest helper is when Santiago wanted to stop following his personal legend and stay with the person he loved most, Fatima. “Love never keeps a man from pursuing his personal legend. If he abandons that pursuit, its because it wasn’t true love.. the love that speaks the Language of the worlds” (Pg. 124). If Santiago stayed with Fatima, it wouldn’t be of true love, but if he were to finish his journey, then it would be. If the Alchemist didn’t tell Santiago about this, he would’ve stayed with Fatima and never complete his personal legend. Without his personal legend, Santiago wouldn’t have as much happiness and success if he were to continue his journey. As a result of this evidence, the Alchemist helped Santiago out the best.

Two other reasons that the Alchemist is Santiago's greatest helper is when the taught him about the Soul of the World. An example of this is when he taught him about the universe. “When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person realize his dream” (Pg. 118). When a person has a dream and they put in the hard work and determination, then the universe will make their dream come true. In the Alchemist, Santiago had a dream about finding treasure. He put in the hard work and determination and the universe rewarded him. If the Alchemist didn’t say this advice to Santiago, there is a possibility that Santiago wouldn’t find his treasure. This is another reason why the Alchemist is Santiago’s greatest helper. The last example of the Alchemist being Santiago's greatest helper is when the Alchemist told Santiago about the Soul of the World. “Listen to your heart. It knows all things, because it came from the Soul of the World, and it will one day return there.” Pg. 132. When Santiago was having trouble finding his treasure, the Alchemist told him about the Soul of the World. The Soul of the World is where all things come from and end. It is because of this that Santiago was able to find his treasure. This is the final reason why the Alchemist was Santiago's greatest helper.

The Alchemist was Santiago's greatest helper because of all the things he did to guide Santiago to find his treasure. Some might say that the king was a better helper than the Alchemist because he was the first to tell him about the personal legend. “The most important thing is that you must succeed in discovering your personal legend” Pg. 23. Even though the king told Santiago about his personal legend first, the Alchemist helped him find it. Without the Alchemist, Santiago would have never found his treasure. With all these reasons considered, this is why the Alchemist is Santiago's greatest helper.

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