Is Brutus a Betrayer or a Patriot Essay Example

📌Category: Julius Caesar, Literature, Plays, Shakespeare
📌Words: 412
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 October 2022

“Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.” This is a famous quote from Brutus in the Shakespearean film Julius Caesar. In the play Caesar it was debated whether or not Brutus was a patriot or betrayer. While he might have betrayed a friend he lived up to his loyalty to Rome. Many believe that Brutus was a supporter of Caesar making him a betrayer. Based on the fact that he knew about the assassination and didn't step in to warn a good friend makes him a traitor. However, as stated above Rome came before everything and he still helped Rome. By not helping Caesar he helped them even more. Brutus was a patriot due to his help in the Battle of Philippi. He loved Caesar very much, but as stated many times before Rome came first before anyone or anything. 

Many believe that Brutus was a supporter of Caesar making him a betrayer. While he supported Caesar he stated that he loved Rome more explaining why he didn’t warn Caesar. In addition, Brutus was asked if he wanted to kill Antony as well but refused to even though in the end Anthony was one of the ones that attacked Rome, and for Mark Antony, think not of him, “For he can do no more than Caesar’s arm When Caesar’s head is off.” While this can refute his claim of looking out for Rome, he believed that Anthony was useless and not a threat once Caesar died. 

Brutus died as the, “ noblest Roman of them all”. This was what he wanted in the end. He intended to stand up for Rome and he died a patriot of Rome. Brutus was a patriot due to his help in the Battle of Philippi. In the Battle, Brutus helped Rome and then followed by killing himself to allow Caesar to rest. Furthermore, by allowing Caesar to rest we can see that he was never against Caesar; nevertheless he just wanted what is best for Rome. 

Brutus was a friend of Caesar and a noble Roman warrior. In the end, Brutus was a patriot due to his actions in the Battle of Philippi. His actions saved Rome and allowed for Caesar to rest peacefully.  In contrast, his actions in the assassination of Caesar caused many to debate how noble and patriotic he was, since Brutus was one of his closest friends but still watched him die. Despite this belief, this shows that he was willing to sacrifice his friend for the good of Rome. In the end, Brutus fought for Rome, died for Rome, and in the end was a noble Roman.

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