Expository Essay Sample on Anne Frank’s Future

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 1049
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 18 October 2022

The diary of Anne Frank was written by a young teenage girl to show her thoughts and feelings about her everyday life during World War 2. Her words have been read all around the globe, and readers have gained knowledge about how people lived during such a tough and tense time. Unfortunately, Anne Frank as well as others died a cruel death. But what would have happened to Anne Frank had she survived? Though this question can never completely be answered, predictions can be made. 

Throughout the diary, Anne writes honestly about anything and everything on her mind. During her time in the Annex, she shares her opinions about those in which she lived with. For example, Anne has particularly strong feelings about Mrs. van Daan. “For the umpteenth time, Mrs. van Daan is sulking. She's very moody and has been removing more and more of her belongings and locking them up. It's too bad Mother

doesn't repay every van Daan ‘disappearing act’ with a Frank ‘disappearing act.’” Here, Anne shows her blunt honesty in that no matter how controversial or mean her comments may be, she still shares them with the reader. Even topics that would normally be very taboo, Anne remains outspoken and says what she feels. “I have a goal, I have opinions, a religion and love. If only I can be myself, I'll be satisfied. I know that I'm a woman, a woman with inner strength and a great deal of courage!” Anne displays her strong beliefs that she can accomplish anything and should not be underestimated. In modern times, some may say this is feminism. 

Though Anne had a promising life ahead of her, her life was quickly cut short due to the gruesome and tragic way she was treated in the concentration camps, quickly leading up to her death. As evident in her diary, Anne was very bold in her beliefs. She had many hobbies, “My other hobbies are movie stars and family photographs. I'm crazy about reading and books. I adore the history of the arts, especially when it concerns writers, poets and painters; musicians may come later. I loathe algebra, geometry and arithmetic. I enjoy all my other school subjects, but history's my favorite!” In this quote, Anne shows the reader that as well as being a talented writer, she possesses other admirable qualities and skills. Furthermore, Anne is very well educated and is informed about the latest political climate of the world around her. This shows how Anne takes the time to educate herself on what is happening. She is also capable of analyzing situations and making decisions based on her analyses. An example of this is when she looked at the hostile environment in which her relationship with her father regarding Peter, and she attempted to aid the pain with a letter describing her feelings. “Saturday night I asked Peter whether he thinks I should tell Father about us. After we'd discussed it, he said he thought I should.” She looks at the situation and makes decisions based on whether the outcome will be good or bad. 

As the diary progresses, Anne shows her hope for what lies ahead, and what she wants to do with her possible future. Despite the constant worry of fear and the uncertainty of another day, Anne Frank still remains optimistic and hopeful. She longs to break free of her current life, because she feels stressed and trapped in her current life.  Anne is tired of being confined to those who she lives with, and the Annex itself. Anne describes herself as believing that women and men are equal, and says she doenst want to be treated lesser than her male counterparts. “One of dle many questions that have often bodlered me is why women have been, and still are, thought to be so inferior to men. It's easy to say it's unfair, but that's not enough for me; I'd really like to know the reason for this great injustice!” Anne has many of the same beliefs and thoughts of a feminist, qwith these unspoken qualities. Though Anne Frank is known for her outstainding wrting pieces, she has siad herself that she does not want to become an author. “I know I can write. A few of my stories are good, my descriptions of the Secret Annex are humorous, much of my diary is vivid and alive, but... it remains to be seen whether I really have talent.” Anne doubts her ability to write a novel contrary to the fact that her diary has been recognized as great literature. Another clue hinting at what Annes future could have looked like is this quote, “But I want to achieve more than that. I can't imagine having to live like Mother, Mrs. van Daan and all the women who go about their work and are then forgotten. I need to have something besides a husband and children to devote myself to!” Anne shows her yearnuing to do something that changes the world; she does not want to be among the many women have lived in the shadow behind their husbands and children. Little did Anne know that she did eventually change the world.

My inference of Annes career had she not been killed would be a feminist author. This may seem very surface-level, especially since Anne herslf stated that she did not want to write professionally, but I truely do believe that Anne Frank could have done os much more with her striking talent with words. Even her diary, which is commonly a very personal and casual work is still inpsirinng. I believe she would be a feminist as she has very strong feelings and opinions about sexism and gender inequality, even when such views were scrutinized and opposed. Though she wrote about these thoughts privately in her diary, these views are still groundbreaking and rare to see at the time, even more due to her age. With these two great skills, she could have have done much more if fate allowed. 

Anne E Frank lived honestly and shared even her deepest thoughts in her diary. Though her life was cut tragically short, at the youg age of 15, Anne was still able ot convey her message and views so well and thoroughly. Although it may be argued that many girls Anne’s age shared similar thought but were never able to document it. Maybewith this logic, many others could have followed out a similar life plan.  With her outspoken ad rare views, I truly believe she could have accomplished a life of success and done all that she wanted to do. This shows the importance of of living life to the fullest, even if one feels to young, as in an instant the future can be rudely stolen Away.

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