E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Film Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 883
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 01 October 2022

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is a 1982 American science fiction film. It is about an Alien who a has come to earth and lots its way but finds a friend to go along with, but when reinforcements get involved and try to take E.T. Away, things don't go as planned. There are many themes that you can interpret from this film that’s going towards the point of friendship. The theme of the story is not just about aliens coming to earth and people wanting to find out about it. “friendship is more then just two people getting a long, its when two people connect and understand each other and like them for who they are not what they look like” It’s a heartfelt story where loving friendships are formed, and when someone tries to take the kindness out of it people get hurt. According to IMDB one of the key words of this story is friendship. We always say don't judge a book by its cover but we all do anyways. When the character, Elliot first looked and found E.T. Sitting in the barn, he was so afraid he ran away screaming, but when he go closer to E.T. And found out how heartwarming and caring this alien was, Elliot practically became attached to this character and never wanted to let go. 

The theme, friendship and how we interpret people and other creatures, ties the whole story together. In the end E.T. Goes back to his planet but is sad by losing a friend Elliot. Throughout the whole story all Elliot wants to do is help out E.T. He doesn't want anyone to take E.T. Away. Elliot’s siblings even help out with E.T. Learning English, by watching Sesame Street. But the relationship goes beyond them wanting to be just an alien and a human being. They both show love and companion towards each other and Elliot increasing throughout the whole movie treats E.T. Like an equal because of how much they have connected.. In the end E.T. demonstrates that he has to give up his friendship when he chooses to break his connection with Elliott because of the whole situation where reinforcements are after E.T. even though it means E.T. will die, because all E.T. wants to do is save Elliot and his family. E.T. Lets Elliot know that no matter where they end up E.T. Will always be with Elliot in memory, According to fiction writing, “Before entering the spaceship, E.T. tells Elliott "I'll be right here", pointing his glowing finger to Elliott's forehead. He then picks up the geranium Gertie gave him, boards the spaceship before it takes off as Elliott and the rest watch, leaving a rainbow in the sky. “When Elliot and E.T. Both get sick, and Elliot’s mom gets involved and the government soon finds out where E.T. Is, all Elliot wants to do is save E..T. And take him back to his home. 

The protagonist of the film is Elliot and E.T. They are the main characters of this film and it is mostly about them the entire film and how they grow as two people together. The crisis of this film, there are actually many crisis in the film. First when E.T. Came onto earth and his other alien friends left him behind. Then, when Elliot found E.T. in the barn, that was a crisis for Elliot. Another is when the government and scientist going after E.T. to get more information about aliens. When both Elliot and E.T. Get sick and the whole situation where Elliot’s house has to get covered and inspected and then when Elliot gets E.T. back to his home when the government tries to stop it. There are a lot of crisis leading up to the antagonist of the story. Honestly, I think there are a few for example the government and the scientists that try to capture E.T. Also I do think Elliot is the antagonist in his own way not preventing E.T. from going back but not helping either. Allegory has a lot to do in this film. In other movies we interpret aliens as always being evil or just trying to take over the world but its different in this movie. Its an allegory to how in reality, we may judge a book by its cover. We may think that a new student in class is the weirdest person in the room but the next day they become your best friend. This allegory shows love and compassion on how we show love and compassion to our friends and family too. The climax of the story is when E.T. Does go back to his home town and leaves Elliot and other friends behind. I did get very attached on how the characters felt throughout the whole story because we always have that connection of friendship with someone in real life. 

The theme of the overall story is how friendship is formed and how it grows from first meeting the character. You watch the movie, and it really shows you that no matter what they look like, where they came from, how big or how small they are everyone should be treated equal and that’s what Elliot shows. That E.T. is just as important and caring, lovable and respectable that anyone else could be because all in all, friendship is something that will last forever. Those friends will sacrifice what they need to sacrifice to make sure that the other friend gets a long okay. E.T the extra-terrestrial is a movie that shows a lot of that, and shows you how friendship is formed. ​ 

Citation Page 

"E.T. The Extra-terrestrial."IMDB. Imdb, 1990. Web. 2014 

"E.T. The Extra-terrestrial."Filmtracks. MCA Records, 1988. Web. 2014.

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