Essay Sample about Francis Beverley Biddle

📌Category: Historical Figures, History, Law
📌Words: 504
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 October 2022

While Francis Beverley Biddle was not considered qualified by many to be given the Judge position due to his small amount of experience. Ultimately, he demonstrated more authority than anyone else inside the courtroom. Therefore, his authority, role, and leadership in the trial were vital to its success.

Francis Biddle first created his reputation as a United States Solicitor General and attorney general. As an attorney general, Biddle protected the first amendment as “far fewer people were prosecuted for sedition by Biddle’s Justice Department” than that in World War 1  (Hudson Jr. 1).  Francis Biddle fulfilled his role successfully while attorney general, leaving a positive impact on free press and speech within the United States. Biddle’s success as an attorney general would foreshadow his success among the judges during the Nuremberg Trials. While solicitor general, Biddle told reporters “In so far as I can, by use of the authority and the influence of my office, I intend to see that civil liberties in this country are protected” (Hudson Jr. 1). Biddle flashed signs of qualification even as a solicitor general, displaying his intelligence and capability. Biddle also presents his stance on how he sees civil liberties and their importance in how they should be protected, a slight contrast from the previous administrations.

Francis Biddle was selected as a Nuremberg judge because of his honorable performance as an attorney general. Harry Truman seemed to have respected Biddle’s work done as an attorney general as he gave “Biddle a prestigious post on the International Tribunal” (Tusa 167). Biddle through his great works as an attorney general was honored by Truman and credited with a high honor to participate in the Tribunal. This indicates that those close to Biddle are much more familiar with his true skills rather than outside observers. For most of Biddle’s career he “had been one step behind [Robert] Jackson; now he was in charge” letting him show his qualifications (Tusa 167). A reason why throughout the entirety of Biddle’s career he has been doubted is credited to the fact that he was overshadowed by Jackson during his time as an attorney general. Now that he has stepped into this opportunity, it’s essential that he demonstrates his maturity and authority. 

Francis Biddle, although doubted by many, was a fundamental asset to the trial through his presence in the courtroom. In private correspondence, the British were “scathing about Biddle’s … own abilities” (Tusa 176). The British felt that Biddle was only being given this Judge position because of his resignation as attorney general. Many of the British thought that Robert Jackson was more qualified than Biddle, as well, they were skeptical of Biddle’s capabilities. Biddle “exercised the greater authority in the courtroom” to prove to the courtroom his influence and status (Priemel 90). After surrounding doubt from people like attorney general Robert Jackson and the British, Biddle felt he needed to convince his importance using authority. Francis proved that even though he was not the president of the trial, he could still offer commander-like values.

While Biddle was doubted by many to perform the judge position successfully. Ultimately, those who knew Biddle the closest as an attorney general had known he would present a strong presence in the courtroom. Therefore, his attendance benefited greatly towards the trial's prosperity.

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