Children of the Holocaust Essay Example

📌Category: History, Holocaust
📌Words: 582
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 18 October 2022

Being a young child during the holocaust is very strenuous. There is not many jewish children that survived the holocaust. The had a very tough life and accounding to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website it says “only 6 to 11% of Europe’s prewar Jewish population of children survived as compared with 33% of the adults.” This means very few children survive and we need to learn from them and understand what is it realy like to be a young child in the holocaust. 

Some of the things Hitler did to make children stand out is he made Jewish people wear the Yellow Star of David. “The order to wear yellow Stars of David made Polish Jews of all ages targets for humiliation and violence.” said the Untied States Holocaust Museum site. Hitler made the Jews wear the Yellow Star Of David anytime they go anywhere and it ways has to be visible. A 12 year old Jewish child said “The yellow badge was a kind of stamp. A stamp that distinguished me from the rest of the population. Anyone could approach me, tell me, do to me whatever they wanted.” Jutta Szmirgeld. This means that Hitler made it easy for germans to target and humiliate the Jews. 

The daily lifes of hidden children usally consisted of staying still for muiltiple hours at a time, not talking, and/or making no noise. These child suffered from human interaction and were always were bored and fearfull of what would happen if someone found them. If someone found them there would be serious concquences depending on who found them. If they were found by a Nazi they would be killed or they would be sent to constration camps to do work for hilter. If they were found by a person who was part of that one percent that was anagist hitler sometimes thke person would take them in and help them or pretend like they did not see anyone and let them hide there. Sometimes they would even bring them food. 

One hidden teenager that had a fake identity that looked like an Aryan pretending to be german,  real religon got leaked and everyone knew. He was in a mixed reglion relationship and both the german girl and the jewish boy were punished. A big group of people tided their hand behind there back. Then they cut there hair and each person in the group got to cut of a piece. They then messed up there close and everything else bout there appearance. Then they would put signs on them with quotes that said “I am a polish pig” Then they would have a parade and have the teenagers walk all over town dressed like that. This is not okay and not fair to both teenagers.

If a Jewish children looked Aryan they could get a fake identity. They did this by getting false identity papers and becoming a whole different religion. The Untied States Holocaust Muesum person said “blah blah blah” If you got a fake identity you would have to change into a hole new person. To look aryan you would have to have blue eyes, and blonde hair. Then you would also have to learn the local language if you didn’t already know it. The worst part of having a fake identity is you could not practice any part of there religion and if they did there real identity could be leaked.

Alll I’m all I think that it is important to understand what it’s like to be a child durning the holocaust. It’s important so we know what it is like in simarllr situations around the world and we do our best to not let anything happen like the holocaust again especially for the children.

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