Theme of Redemption in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 613
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 04 October 2022

Redemption is defined as “an act of redeeming or atoning a fault or mistake.” In Great Expectations, the characters’ desire to redeem themselves emphasizes the theme of redemption in a number of ways. To elaborate, the characters are triggered by personal conflicts that cause them to express their anger, sadness, or frustration towards the people in their lives. After the characters gain sensibility, they feel compelled to justify earlier wrongdoings by demonstrating that they have matured. Having “great expectations” means to live up to the expected standards of society; nevertheless, redeeming oneself of past mistakes inspires hope that the characters are not defined by their past.

To begin, Magwitch is introduced as an escaped convict Pip meets in the churchyard. When they first encounter one another, the convict threatens to kill Pip unless he is provided with a file and food. Years later, the convict is revealed to be a rich patron named Magwitch, who is the anonymous benefactor of Pip’s fortune. Magwitch redeemed himself by bestowing wealth onto Pip and obtaining a respectful relationship with him. On Magwitch’s deathbed, Pip informs him that his daughter, Estella, is alive and well. Magwitch is able to Rest In Peace after he is assured that his daughter is ok. 

In contrast to Magwitch, Miss Havisham had a good reputation initially. However, after she was almost swindled out of her fortune by Compeyson on her wedding day, Miss Havisham succumbs to bitterness. Because of her broken heart, she raises Estella to treat men cold-heartedly. Once Estella aged, she confronted Miss Havisham about her cruel upbringing that resulted in her contemptuous behavior. Although Estella’s accusations deeply hurt Miss Havisham, she is made aware of her contempt towards others. Desperate to redeem herself, she begged Pip for forgiveness and gave him a large sum of money to help his friend start a business. In other words, she gained redemption by asking for forgiveness and helping out someone she had hurt.

In Great Expectations, Pip seeks redemption multiple times. As a child, he stole from his family for a wanted criminal, and felt remorse for his wrongdoings. Not too long afterwards, Pip often visited Miss Havisham’s, which shifted his expectations after he fell in love with Estella. Because of his feelings for Estella, Pip begins to see Joe as common, and treats him as someone who is inferior. During his years in London, he feels as though he should assist Herbert in business, so he secretly chips in with the fortune provided by his benefactor. When Pip is around 23, he finds himself in debt because of his pitiful money-spending habits. Speaking of his benefactor, Pip feels repugnance towards him after his identity is exposed as the convict from many years before; later Pip is grateful for everything Magwitch gave him. Pip decided to cease trying to live up to “great expectations” and worry about his image; instead, he became considerate. Pip returns from London to discover that Joe and Biddy have gotten married and he is not spiteful, but he wishes their marriage well. By restoring his relationship with Joe and not being self absorbed,  Pip redeemed himself.

In conclusion, the characters redeemed themselves through a series of actions in order to live up to “great expectations.” Magwitch was able to redeem himself by setting things right with Pip by providing a fortune and the opportunity to become a gentleman. In addition, Magwitch was able to die in peace knowing his daughter was alive. In contrast, Miss Havisham only realized her wrongdoings when she was confronted by Estella and desperately wanted to redeem herself for the way she treated the people in her life. She redeemed herself by begging for Pip’s forgiveness for being the reason that Estella treated him poorly. And lastly, Pip found redemption by experiencing remorse as a child, and maturing enough to restore the relationships he ruined with prideful behavior. Regarding the growth and development of the characters, the theme of redemption carries the plot in Great Expectations.

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