The Giver Epilogue (Free Essay Sample)

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 616
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 29 September 2022

Jonas woke up, his bed was inundated in sweat. Gasping for air he smelt the well-known smell of the morning breakfast being brought to his family unit. The 11-year-old Jonas woke up to the sound of Lilly playing with her doll she had named Gabriel the night before.

“Good morning Jonas,” Lilly said politely.

Jonas headed downstairs his clothes dragging him down. He felt like he had just completed a triathlon in his sleep. 

“Good morning Jonas how did you sleep?” His mother asked. 


During dream telling his father spoke about how he had dreamed about the new batch of children that had arrived at night and how he couldn’t wait to meet them all.

“What was your dream, Jonas?”. His father asked.

Jonas stood silent for a minute. “ I had my Ceremony of the twelves where I got chosen as the receiver of memory”. “I remember I remember feeling pain through my body and running away”. Jonas did his best to remember what he had experienced in his dream. 

His parents paused for a moment trying to figure out what was the best response to what Jonas had just told them. 

“Well, you are an 11 and it’s not uncommon to be uncertain about what job you will get”. “After all, you learnt last week about the last receiver that failed and you’re probably afraid you’ll do the same at whatever job you receive”. Jonas’ father always had a way of putting things that made you feel reassured. 

“I feel much better thank you”. Deep down however he still felt the uncertainty of how the dream had made him feel.

He hopped on his bike getting ready to attend his morning school classes. When he spots Fiona from the corner of his eye. He experienced a similar sensation to the one he had had in the dream, a flickering of red. 

“Hey Jonas, are you ok?” “You seem kind of off?”.

In an instant, Jonas rushed off towards the receiver of memory’s home. Was it truly a dream or had something else occurred? As he arrived at the giver’s house he could see how the decomposing structure had seemed to have aged 100 years since he last saw it in his dreams. He rushed through the door the cold air hitting his face like a pile of bricks. There he was the receiver of memory lying on the floor in agony from what he had experienced in the dream as… pain?

“Aargh,” The Giver let out an agonising scream. The person he had called giver was reaching his hand out to him and repeating his name over and over again.

“Jonas, Jonas, Jonas please help I need you to receive this memory it’ll explain what occurred”. Please just let me do this!”

Jonas opened his eyes. He saw what looked like his dead body covered with snow. A ship like ashers was towering over him getting ready to recover his body.

“We’ve found him”! he could hear Asher say, The aeroplane took off with a blast heading back to the main community. It was met by the chief elder at the secret grand chamber which controlled and monitored the entire community. After hours of discussion, the decision became final. 

“We shall wipe everyone's memory except the receiver of memory as long as he agrees to never leave his house”. “If he does then the memories shall be forced on the next receiver of memory, causing them great pain and anguish”. The Cheif elder said in a confident voice to the rest of the elders. “As for Jonas, he will be returned to his family unit but he shall retake the ceremony of twelves as an 11”. “He will be given the job as the first official releaser in the community”. “Here the person Jonas called the giver will transfer him the memory of death so as he shall be burdened with the thought of what he has done”. “Living the rest of his life with the guilt of murder”.

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