Social Media Brings More Harm Than Good Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment
📌Words: 315
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 October 2022

In my opinion, social media can do tremendous damage to everyone involved. In today's society, social media is a big part of everyone's daily life, but it can be harmful, especially for the youth and those who are irresponsible with social media.

Social media is the primary means of cyberbullying, especially for teenagers. Social media is sold as an escape route, but victims of cyberbullying cannot avoid harassment.Teenagers who have access to social media regularly can be persistent with their bullying, this can lead to immense dangers for the victim as they can be subjected to this bullying daily . It can lead to serious issues such as depression, anorexia as well as the serious topic of self harming or even suicide. 

Furthermore, social media is perceived to be a valuable form of communication and display of an individual's life, which is useful  but many people choose to make their lives flashy on social media and only put their best foot forward. This can lead to a decrease in someone’s self-esteem as this flashy lifestyle isn't always one’s reality. This can generate one to feel as if their own life isn't good enough. This is especially prevalent in teenage girls as they may feel as if their body isn't good enough as they are fed through social media that they should look a certain way. 

While it must be remembered that the younger audience is being exposed to considerably more than they were before. Youth are more likely to know about topics that aren't age appropriate as they have access to social media and the harsh topics that come with it. They are exposed to drinking , violence and many more harsh realities that they may not be ready for. 

In conclusion, I agree that social media causes more harm than good. First of all, it can be damaging to one’s confidence. Additionally it creates access for cyberbullying. While others believe the advantages of social media outweigh the disadvantages , it is important to seek feedback from those harmed by social media.

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