
Essay About Depression in Poem

My poem is about my experiences through depression and how going on a walk in a forest is a way to cope with depression. I have been dejected my whole life, being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and h…

Words: 353
Pages: 2
The Flea by John Donne Essay Example

"The Flea" by John Donne uses a flea bite to insinuate the poet and his lover should have sex, to say that two people being bitten by the same flea are already having sex, and to marry them. "The Flea…

Words: 875
Pages: 4
Walking the Bear Poem Analysis Example

Every journey, it seems, has purpose and reason. Star Couldbrooke expresses the feelings of her trek following the path of the Bear River in her poem, "Walking the Bear." This river begins in the Uint…

Words: 632
Pages: 3