Wealth is First of All a Mindset (Free Essay Example)

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 386
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 October 2022

Wealth is a mindset, not financial status, in contradiction to many beliefs. throughout history, there have been endless variety of case studies of different individuals, from diverse backgrounds, who have endured tremendous hardships and overcame financial poverty in their journey to fortune and fame. On the other hand, there are thousands of cases each year of individual's that are decedents of affluent families who lose all of their assets due to wrong investments, and poor financial planning and find themselves in a turmoil which demands though character and persistence to rebuild their finances and establish their business rapport, once again.

Research on the subject by many business coaches, and psychologists demonstrates again and again, that your success will be determined by your thoughts, actions, and beliefs rather than your access to capital and material.

Relationships can be built based on pure intention and common interests, and even the "poorest" man or women in the world could find a common topic to discuss with the rich of the richest, so why should we bother labeling one another with such useless terms.

In the early 1970s the United Emirates and its neighboring countries were undeveloped and suffered from low economic growth, lifestyle, and literacy, the national economy was focused mostly on basic domestic animal produce due to the nature of the middle eastern terrain, which is known for its dryness and heat, which prevented the ability to grow vegetables, commercial farmland and export these commodities to ear by nations. During the late 1970s local villagers have discovered vast amount of oil resources and have invited foreign experts to collaborate and utilize these resources to build one of the most powerful economies of the 21st century, The united emirates was able to leverage these resources to build an astonishing amount of wealth which created millions of professional jobs and developed new work sectors around the country. The region has increased its global domestic produce, raised its education level, and has invested oversees in many successful international ventures, setting an example, that poverty is nothing but a mindset and that change with the right thinking and action taking, is inevitable.  

if we were to empower growth thinking and provide adequate resources that follow this philosophy to undeveloped nations which have the potential to thrive economically and join the global economy as contributors rather than dependents, we will witness this transformational phenomenon happening again, as we reshape the future of our next generations for a better global economy and diminish the world poverty from our vocabulary. 

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