Warriors Don't Cry Literary Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Literature
📌Words: 531
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 October 2022

The main idea of Warriors Don’t Cry is the challenges that African American students faced in white communities/schools, as well as the level of injustice present in their daily lives. Melba was one of the nine black students who were the first to join white schools and it was a difficult experience. Many white families strongly opposed the idea of integrating them and believed that they were inferior and did not deserve to learn in white schools. Due to this, President Eisenhower decided to take action and come up with a plan to protect these students. However, Governor Faubus disagreed and passed laws that restricted blacks from integrating with white students, making it harder for Eisenhower to help them. 

Despite the persecutions Melba faced, such as having acid thrown in her eyes, she didn’t give up on going back to Central High. African Americans were denied public amenities, like transport and healthcare, even attending lower-class schools because of segregation. Along with her friends, they fought for their rights even after going through this abuse and racial discrimination. Some African Americans due to the inequality decided to go on walkouts, others used demonstrations and boycotts. Melba’s grandmother, India, advised her to have faith in God, (page 32) “God is always with you.”, and that violence couldn’t help in achieving one’s desires. 

It's evident that even today, our society is still filled with social issues and not everybody has the privilege to have a freedom to choose. This privilege is not only race, but also has to do with status, social class, etc. If you compare a woman in the 1900’s and a man both trying to get the same job, she has a less chance of getting that position or having the freedom to do what she pleases. This freedom is so important, and many would like to have the possibility to express themselves without there being repercussions. The Little Rock 9 were fighting for this type of freedom and simply wanted to be treated fairly. African Americans continue to fight for equality in countless places around the world and now try different ways. Several take a violent approach, like riots and strikes, whilst others advocate for peaceful demonstrations. An example of this is the Black Lives Matter Movement, which highlights racism and discrimination experienced by black people. Though the protests were peaceful, majority of them were met with police brutality and many were injured.

As I read this book, I could only imagine the author’s pain due to the level of discrimination she faced due to their race. It’s through their struggle that now most African Americans can enjoy certain privileges. Although I’ve learned about segregation, I never knew to what extent and having read it from a black woman’s perspective truly shattered my heart. It astounded me how people were so against the idea of having their children go to school with African Americans. The act of defiance from these teenagers was so significant because it threatened to change the way white segregationists used their power. I feel that those who have more privilege have a responsibility to use it whenever necessary. 

I might not have as much privilege as a white individual, but I know that I will try to expand the views of people and educate others on racial disparity. I understand that nothing comes easy, especially when it comes to human rights and that through hardships, experience, and determination one can achieve their goals.

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