To Kill A Mockingbird Equality Analysis Essay

📌Category: Literature, To Kill a Mockingbird
📌Words: 322
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 October 2022

In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Lee demonstrates different social dynamics of Maycomb because she wants to show her readers that even though everyone is human, individuals are all different.  Throughout the chapter Jem and Scout discuss the meaning behind folks, and if there is just one type. Scout believes that since everyone learns similarly it makes them the same. Even though she believes this Jem tries to convince that we all think differently. Scout explains that a person's background isn't what make them unique. It is the fact that in order to read and write, “‘everybody's gotta learn, nobody's born knowin’”(259).Scout explains to Jem that everything that makes us unique is learned. It is not handed over. She also emphasizes on the fact that even though people learn differently they are all the same. What Scout doesn't understand however is that there isn't just one type of "folks". That everyone process's information differently and taught different ways. Harper Lee wants to help Scout understand that she sees the world differently than everyone else. Even though Scout thinks of all people as equal, even though the adults and neighbors in her life don't see it. In response to Scouts statement of only one type of "folks" Jem answers, “‘If there's just one kind of folks, why can't they get along with each other? If they're all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other?’”(259). Jem raises these questions in hopes to help relate to Scout. He tries to explain that there is not just one type of "folk". They don't all get along even though they are still human. Since everyone learns differently and is taught different ways of life, the individuals are not the same. Harper Lee brings this statement up in her story to help foreshadow why Boo Radley stays inside. While Jem describes that all people think and feel differently, he realizes that Boo Radley wants to stay inside. Throughout the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, Jem demonstrates to Scout that humans are equal but individuals are different.

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