Theme of Determination in October Sky (Essay Example)

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 312
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 October 2022

In the story "October Sky" (written by Homer Hickam Jr.), the character who helped develop the theme of determination is Quentin, one of his influences on the BMCA. Throughout the story, and since he and Sonny started talking to each other. The overall theme was enhanced by Quentin, and he added to the evolution and success of the rockets. Quentin helped the Rockets help them continue to advise on how to make them even more successful. On page 108 in the book, Quentin suggests, “We need to come up with a better guidance system before launching again…” Quentin is obviously well out of how he thinks things should work and go by because he wants to help; he keeps wanting to improve manners that fit with the rocket idea. He still continues to suggest things that can improve the rockets in general (like fuel and rocket design). He aids the establishment of the theme by his proposals since no matter how the rocket is doing at the moment, he still tries to make it succeed more and more for every time they shoot off the rockets. Quentin also helped Sonny gain a more basic understanding of things like calculus. In a later chapter, Sonny is confronted by Miss Riley about him quitting working on rockets. Miss Riley responds to Sonny asking what the point of the rockets were and who really cared; she responded, “I do. Quentin does. All the boys do.” (page 296). Again, Quentin is very obviously focused by the idea of the rockets succeeding; he is normally the one in the group who possibly cares about it the most, considering he is more knowledge in the scientific field of things. Quentin's knowledge, again, helps develop the theme considering later on in the book. Sonny reconsiders, and goes back into the rocket industry. It may be the simple suggestion of a person along the same project not continuing unless everyone is there and present, but the concept helped convinced Sonny to continue with the rockets.

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