Research Paper on Stress

📌Category: Health, Mental health
📌Words: 1271
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 21 October 2022

Stress is an essential response to our survival and function; however, it can be a punishing killer in jobs, relationships, moods, and overall lives. Mr. Case Study is a perfect example of an individual who is experiencing overwhelming job stress. He must manage it promptly or it will continue to negatively impact his life. Not only the aspects of pressure Mr. Study already deals with currently, but also it can lead to a burnout, heart attack, or stroke. Burnout is “A syndrome of emotional exhaustion (a depletion of work-related emotional resources), depersonalization (pulling away from those associated with the job) and reduced personal accomplishment (a belief that one is not as good at the job as he or she once was). (Hopkins, P.55) “Repeated stress will cause extra work for the heart, the blood vessels, and the kidneys. In simple terms, this will cause wear and tear of the system; resulting in a heart attack later in life.” (Vinay, P. 64) Simply put, Mr. Case Study must seek optimal help to manage and alleviate his hypertension to not only minimize his daily struggles, but also benefit with a healthy lifespan. Considering the complex interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that impact Mr. Case Study’s disorder an essential method at effectively treating him is by implementing a biopsychosocial approach. 

Beginning with biological factors. Focusing on psychical health will diminish Mr. Study’s stress that is impacting his sleep, sex life, concentration, depression, and career. Starting with a balanced diet, which supports a healthy immune system and repairs damaged cells. It provides the extra energy needed to cope with stressful events. A healthy diet has a major influence on our hormones which impact stress levels. (Gonzalez MJ and Miranda-Massari, 2021) First recommendation of treatment is eating a balanced diet. (Watch for high fat & high sugar foods/drinks and stay hydrated with plenty of water.) Next proposal is 30 minutes (at-least) walk or exercise routine 4-5 times a week. Physical activity also lowers blood pressure which reduces stress hormone levels. Walking just thirty minutes to an hour a day increases breathing and heart rate so that more oxygen reaches cells throughout the body. This will decrease muscle tension and reduce overall stress. (Gonzalez MJ and Miranda-Massari, 2021) Third advise is for Mr. Study to prioritize sleep hygiene. Good sleep hygiene is a crucial component to stress management. To help combat Mr. Study’s stress levels and insomnia he needs to get 7-9 hours of interrupted sleep throughout the night by slowing down about 30 minutes before bedtime. Along with going to bed and waking up around the same time every single day will keep Mr. Case’s circadian rhythm in order. (The Nutrition Source, 2021) Last mention for sleep hygiene is eliminating caffeine a minimum of 6 hours before bed. (Sleep Foundation, 2022) By organizing a practicable schedule of eating balanced meals, exercising thirty minutes a day, and practicing good sleep hygiene Mr. Study can reduce his stress levels which will improve all other issues he is facing. If Mr. Study is still struggling to navigate day-to-day life with these changes a proposal would be to see a primary doctor to analyze if an anti-depressants prescription is the next step in assisting him. These are four biological methods he can use to help minimize his overwhelming distresses.

Secondly, the psychological factors of patterns in thinking, coping strategies, and personality traits that will help prevent further unnecessary stress for Mr. Study include recommendations as well. Starting with relaxation and breathing techniques. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is the most widely used professional approach to relaxation in America. It is a deep relaxation technique can effectively relieve insomnia and reduce stress and anxiety. (Jonathan, 2005) This relaxation technique is the simple practice of tensing up specific muscles and then releasing the tension. Upon research here is a pdf file containing instructions of a progressive muscle relaxation session that contains step-by-step instructions of conducting this practice. ( This file is to be printed out, handing it over to Mr. Study, for him to use as a step-by-step guidance to practice at home. The reason this is an ideal psychological treatment method is it only takes 5-15 minutes a day. Since Mr. Study is overburdened with acute episodic (frequent acute events such as work deadlines) stress (The Nutrition Source, 2021) it is important to suggest treatments that are less time- consuming. Next recommending a cognitive behavioral therapist (CBT) that is covered by patient’s insurance list would be given to contact to setup future sessions. A meta-analysis evaluated the efficacy of therapist-supported Internet-based (CBT) in improving stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms among postpartum women. Which is an ideal time to study woman for the excessive about of stress typically found during that time. The results revealed that therapist-supported (CBT) significantly improved stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms of the intervention group compared with those of the control group at post-intervention. (Lau1, Y., Htun1, T. P., Wong, S. N., Tam1, W. S. W., Klainin-Yobas1, P., Alice Lee Centre, 2022) The results of this study amongst others of analyzing cognitive behavioral therapy conclude it is beneficial for highly stressed or depressed individuals such as Mr. Study. Considering the time management for Mr. Study, (CBT) sessions typically only range from once a week or once every two weeks. The daily practice sessions of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and the once a week/ once every two weeks (CBT) sessions are the greatest plans of psychological treatment Mr. Study could benefit from while respecting realistic time organization to conduct all the treatments mentioned thus far. 

Lastly, there are also sociocultural factors that will improve Mr. Case Study’s stress management. Working a demanding, high-stress job it is difficult to argue against the proposal of taking a mental leave. It is ideal to not only help Mr. Study’s struggles, but also will help his job performance and focus once he returns to work. “It could be anywhere from one day to several months, but taking time to process, rest, heal and seek proper treatment can make all the difference.” (Smith, J.-M., Tagle, A., 2022) Mr. Study needs to talk with employer about struggles at home and job productivity issues if he feels taking time of absence will help him manage his mental health and stress. Another advocation is being open and honest with his wife about his feeling, stresses, and circumstances. Having support from a loved one will succeed his battle with excessive stress. Letting out his sadness about losing his dog or his concern for friend being diagnosed with bone cancer will be beneficial for his mental health and accumulated stress. Another recommendation is if these burdens are too heavily impacting his everyday life, and the other methods of treatment do not do enough to combat the overwhelming stress going to a group therapy to discuss these stressors with peers. Communicating with wife or peers are sociocultural factors that can help minimize the impact of his pressure.

Mr. Case Study is dealing with a great deal of stress that is negatively impacting his daily life. By using the biopsychosocial method Mr. Study will have the most success in discontinuing all the struggles with which he is currently dealing. The biological perspective included focusing on Mr. Study’s physical health by eating balanced meals, exercise, and sleep hygiene. Also suggesting seeing a primary doctor to analyze and see if an anti-depressant prescription is also a smart form of treatment for Mr. Study. The psychological perspective included advising Mr. Study to practice progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and get in contact to see a cognitive behavior therapist (CBT). Finally, the sociocultural perspective was advocating for Mr. Study to take a mental leave from work, open for support from his wife, and potentially seeking out a group therapy to connect with peers. Mr. Case Study is struggling with daily difficulties due to overwhelming stress and if he does not manage it sooner than later becoming burnt out, or having a stroke, or heart attack is more likely to happen. These are ideal directions to alleviating his hypertension, managing his sleep, and relieving his depressive symptoms. Stress is an essential response to our survival and function; however, if it is a punishing killer in jobs, relationships, moods, and overall lives these are the best possible treatments at keeping it in check.

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