Hubris In Oedipus Rex Essay Example

📌Category: Literature, Plays
📌Words: 296
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 28 September 2022

In Oedipus rex, Sophiclies shows how Oedipus’s hubris brings him down. Oedipus is told by Appollo, that he, himself is the one who killed his father Laius as well as marring his own mother. Oedipus disagrees with Appollo while telling him that he is wrong and is going to prove him wrong. As the play begins, Oedipus is crowned king of Thebes. By the end of the play, Oedipus Rex’s hubris caused his downfall and ultimate blindness for he believes that he is the most knowledgeable one when in fact he was proven wrong and brutally punished himself. 

An example that Socphoclies shares are in an interaction between Oedipus and the messenger. Oedipus learns about what Appolo said about his fate. That Oedipus is going to kill his father and marry his mother. Oedipus says that his fate is incorrect and he is going to outsmart Appolo(1089-1096 Sophocles). The readers know what is the actual truth, that Oedipus killed his father and married his mother. This is an example of Oedipus's hubris affects him. A second example is when Oedipus is talking with Jocasta. When Oedipus and Jocasta are having a conversation, Jocasta begs Oedipus to listen to him. In response, Oedipus says, “Listen to you? No more. I must know it all, must see the truth at last” (1168-1169 Sophocles). Once again Sophocles shows how big Oedipus’s hubris and ego are. Oedipus believes that he knows everything and is not open to any ideas. He believes that he is going to prove his fate wrong. Ultimately that is why his death was so dramatic. Oedipus does not listen to anyone or anything they say and his pride led him to blind himself. In many of the conversations, Oedipus jumped straight to conclusions and is overtaken by his irritation and anger.

The cause of Oedipus’s downfall was his character flaw which was caused by his pride and eager ego, his hubris.

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