Free Metaverse Essay Example

📌Category: Information Science
📌Words: 630
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 18 October 2022

“The metaverse is coming. If the last twenty years were amazing, the next twenty will seem nothing short of science fiction.” stated Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA. The metaverse is a transition from viewing a 2d world looking at the internet to living inside the internet in a 3d world. It encompasses virtual Reality, augmented reality (AR), social media, and cryptocurrency. This could be a revolution for society. If it is not strictly governed, the metaverse and its immense potential could lead to hazardous mental health issues and a monopolistic environment benefiting corporations and not the end consumer. This could have tremendous effects by pushing the people into an unstable economy, and an unstable playground for mental health.

The metaverse is an important tool in achieving more stable mental health.  The metaverse can introduce people to their fears in a very controlled environment. You will have the ability to surround yourself with people from all around the world because the metaverse is an open platform.  Imagine being in a room with someone from every continent.  It could allow that much potential. You can now have many people with different diversities help you cope with your problems. The Metaverse also provides greater access to people who are economically or physically disadvantaged. Now they can finally go and do all the things they wanted to do that they were previously unable.  This will allow these people immense amounts of happiness. They will finally live the life they wanted to live. The metaverse provides great promise for the people seeking mental health help. However, the metaverse can also be detrimental to one’s mental well being. 

The metaverse is a Trojan horse for cyber bullying, negative mental health, and loneliness. The metaverse can be so immersive it can blur the lines between reality and fantasy, and more problems can be introduced when brought back into the real world. People can get lost in the metaverse that when they come back to the real world they lose perspective, and a lack of communication skills. This could be very menacing. They could start caring less about the real world and more about the virtual world. Accelerate lack of social communication, and in person engagement.  If you are in the metaverse playing around and having fun you may not realize that you are not having in person communication. This could have many effects when trying to problem solve with other people in the real world. The metaverse has many mental health disadvantages especially in the youth. 

The metaverse has the opportunity to create a whole new economy, and better, efficient training. More efficient training for employees, and creates a more engaging corporate culture. business will have infinite resources and instant connectivity from anywhere to anywhere with anyone. This could help lots of businesses in there to grow and get their name in the public. Will create tens of thousands of jobs such as a real estate agent and even a wedding planner. If the internet created 17 million jobs the metaverse could create so many more. The metaverse could create more jobs than ever because it is described as internet 3.0. The metaverse could help shape a virtual economy and help the lives of millions by improving corporate life.

The metaverse could also create a monopolistic environment benefiting big corporations by not only taking your but, but also your personal data. There will be corporate greed. When the predicted metaverse GDP is 13 trillion companies will put values of shareholders first and not consumers. There will be lots of terrible corporate greed. Privacy and security is a major concern. Meta (facebook) has a poor past of handling user data. Facebook could sell your data to lots of companies. The metaverse has many dangers including privacy, and greed.

The metaverse could be extremely beneficial to mental health, and the global economy if properly managed.The metaverse is soon going to be a part of our everyday lives. Some people are already living in it today. It can harm us and give us  new opportunities. It's just how we handle it.

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