The Role of Duolingo in the Language Learning Industry (Essay Example)

📌Category: Business, Education, Language and Linguistics, Learning, Science
📌Words: 590
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 25 September 2022

Learning new languages is always exciting. Because it opens many doors of connection in the outer world, leading to a better life and future for human beings, Duolingo has an essential role in the language learning industry to improve the human lifestyle to a better one.

Anything in this world starts with small beginnings, just like when a baby tries to walk, they take their first baby steps to start walking; the same comes to language learning. We should always start from the beginning to improve ourselves and be better. Duolingo provides a neat list of language learning categories listed, from the easiest to the most advanced lesson category. For example, the first lesson in the list is the communication lesson category which provides simple first communication words such as: hello,  bye, and general greetings to translate three sentence and five-sentence paragraphs; its something which a learner would prefer in such a pace or even start with to have a connection with language, building up the confidence to talk. They are around four testing categories in Duolingo. It all starts from the well neat matching questions, translating the following sentence questions, voice recording of the translation of a sentence, and clicking on the following images help the muscle memory, building up vocabulary, and listening strategies. Duolingo uses these to test the user from the simplest to the hardest task a person can intervene in a normal daily life task, and every single strategy has its feature to build a skill.

The testing tools determine the learner's analytics of learning a new language. For example, the typing of translating the following sentence questions helps build up vocabulary by translating a sentence to the second language. Matching the following photo questions helps muscle memory to memorize pictures to the right word, which helps to memory any photo seen to a word. recording questions helps build communication skills by speaking in the correct format by providing a sentence then translating it using the recording method. Unlike any other learning app, Duolingo stands up the most because it tests all the basics needed to be a second language learner, which as a second language speaker would probably want to know what are their weaknesses are and check how they can improve with the feedback and redo their tests and revising feedbacks.

Language learning has always been frustrating, but with a suitable teaching method, it can be the easiest thing to do. The feedback and revision after feedback are the primary keys to being better in any particular situation. It is always good to have chances after making a mistake to improve that mistake will not happen again, and that is how the chemistry between Duolingo's testing features and giving a chance by taking a redo and revising the mistakes takes place to perfection in language learning. The presence of a neat listing of the lessons, testing strategies, quizzes, and test retakes to be better is just like having a flexible, portable college controlled by the user/learner of the language, which provides the freedom of control, comfortability while learning, and less stressful environment to learn gives the mindset to learn better while feeling better which makes Duolingo stand out. Because as a learner, feedback and testing is important and build up many lacks and skills in the brain.

Duolingo is a wonderful learning platform. It has many features and benefits, unlike any other program. It is not just a platform to learn and take the certificate, and that is it. No! It is there to build every single strength of the brain, confidence, communication, and how to learn peacefully. It is just like having a full gym body workout without having to separate pieces of training from each other. Who would say no to such strategies to learn at once in a neat well-paced learning environment?

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