Essay Sample about Tutankhamun

📌Category: Historical Figures, History
📌Words: 439
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 October 2022

Historians have used historical evidence to determine how Tutankhamun was throughout his lifetime. This passage has the appearance, health and death of pharaoh Tutankhamun and discusses how historical evidence was used to conclude his short lifespan.

Historians have studied Tutankhamun's health in-depth as he died at a very young age, and how that was possible since tombs have been looted throughout history, and his was the first found that gave us an idea of ancient Egypt at the time. Historians have executed DNA scans, CT scans, 3D models and X-rays to show what health complications he suffered from. He caught diseases such as malaria and scoliosis, and brain diseases. Some injuries he had were a sore left cheek, a broken leg and a clubbed foot. Therefore, it is pretty evident that Tutankhamun's health was feeble, as shown in the tests taken and the methods used by historians to conclude his health.

Tutankhamun's appearance has been thoroughly researched by historians using methods where they can analyse his remains by utilising modern-day technology. Historians have undertaken DNA scans, 3D reconstructions and X-rays to discover how Tutankhamun looked. Historians and scientists have found that Tutankhamun was below the average height of his age now, as he was 1.68 metres tall, about 5'5 1/2. The tests showed that he was slightly built and had missing ribs and a missing breast bone. It showed how many health issues he has, and how pharaohs don’t have the best life either, and that they can be ill. Thus, it is clear that the methods/tests historians used on the remains of pharaoh Tutankhamun show what his appearance was like back then.

Tutankhamun's death has been examined and concluded to him not being murdered, which was confirmed after several years of research. DNA scans, CT scans and X-rays have revealed how Tutankhamun perished. Tutankhamun was incest born, which meant his parents were siblings. His parents married each other to keep the "pure" or "golden" blood between themselves, not letting anyone who is not blood-related to them have any royal status. His broken leg and clubbed foot affected his health, and he had grown an infection from not treating the broken leg properly, which would have caused him to be walking around using a cane to stay steady. He also had bone fragments in his skull as they saw in the analysis of his corpse, which many people thought that he was shot in the head, though these fragments occurred post mortem, which was confirmed afterwards. It is clear that Tutankhamun was not murdered and died from health risks, infection and disorders during his life, proven through the research done.

The pharaoh Tutankhamun's appearance, health, and death have been discussed throughout this text and explained his history on those topics. It has been concluded that historians have used historical methods to conclude Pharaoh Tutankhamun's history and how he passed.

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