Essay Example on Keeping Animals in Zoos

đź“ŚCategory: Animal rights, Social Issues
đź“ŚWords: 594
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 18 October 2022

Guess what?! you've won a ticket to reading why animals should not be locked up in cages, but seriously animals are suffering from just beginning to being locked up in cages animals can have depression too. That’s why I'm here to tell you why I think there should be no animals locked up in zoos. The issue with animals getting kept in zoos is that animals are under unnecessary stress. Today, in the U.S., more than 18 million people visit zoos every year. The more people visit zoos, the more zoos stay around. By bringing people and animals together, zoos educate the public and foster the appreciation of other species. Wild animals should not be kept in zoos.

The animals are deprived of their natural habitat, and zookeepers won’t meet their physical and emotional needs of animals. Due to the space, food, water, and care, zookeepers will not meet the physical and emotional needs of the animals. As a result, animal zoos often suffer from health problems, and most die prematurely. Some of the negative effects that zoos can have on animals are social stress and health problems. These are just some reasons why zoos are bad for animals. Animals locked in cages are not beneficial animals, due to malnourishment because animals are not always taken care of. Many animals are found dead because of a lack of food or stress. Just because they are animals doesn't mean that they don’t have feelings. For example, zoos have their problems, but not all zoos are created to be equal. Some zoos are well-taken care of properly, while others aren't. What this is supposed to mean, is that not all zoos have the proper equipment to care for the animals. In conclusion, many animals that live in these zoos suffer from many kinds of diseases and physical and emotional needs. We must protect our animals fast!

Zoos remove the connection that elephants have with their calves due to separation and cause weight problems. Removing calves from their mother breaks family ties and causes mental stress because the calves are transferred to other zoos for breeding. Experts say that in the wild, females always stay with their mothers, and never leave the herd where they were born. The lack of space zoos gives elephants to roam and causes them to become overweight when elephants become overweight their lifespan decreases. In conclusion, zoos prevent elephants from getting the proper exercise, causing weight gain, and death, and preventing them from building a relationship with their calves.

Zoos are beneficial for animals because they prevent extinction. People who visit zoos are more likely to think more about conservation and focus more on protecting the animals´ environment; however, keeping animals in zoos brings them unnecessary stress and health issues. 

Wild animals should not be kept in zoos. Due to the space, food, water, and care, zookeepers will not meet the physical and emotional needs of the animals. Animals locked in cages are not beneficial animals, due to malnourishment because animals are not always taken care of. Many animals are found dead because of a lack of food or stress. Just because they are animals doesn't mean that they don’t have feelings. Removing calves from their mother breaks family ties and causes mental stress because the calves are transferred to other zoos for breeding. The lack of space zoos give elephants to roam causes them to become overweight. This Argumentative Essay was about how animals should not be in cages, and that they should just be in the wild. The reason for all of this is that The issue with animals getting kept in zoos is that animals are under unnecessary stress. By bringing people and animals together, zoos educate the public and foster appreciation of the other species, so this is why wild animals should not be kept in zoos.

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