Cloning Persuasive Essay Example

📌Category: Genetics, Science
📌Words: 598
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 September 2022

Cloning is a scientific advancement that has the potential to address multiple problems in the world. Some of these areas are Medicine, food security and conservation. 

The main argument against cloning is centered around morality/ethical issues. Examples of these are that there's a high chance of loss of life, cloning is going against nature and the question of whether. Regardless of the counter argument I continue to support the position that cloning is a positive scientific advancement because I feel that the positives of cloning outway the negatives. If you have concerns about the loss of life of a human clone, something that might ease your mind is that scientists may someday be able to clone humans without heads as they have already been able to do with a frog. “Headless human clones will be able to grow organs and tissues for transplant surgery in 10 years time.” This is a cloning advancement predicted by Dr. Patrick Dixon,who studies medical sciences and is the author of Genetic Revolution, which predicted dolly the first successfully cloned mammal.

Scientists have discovered how to clone human organs. This will benefit people waiting to receive transplant organs, cloned organs mean that people will not need to wait for donors, it also reduces the risk of organ rejection as the cloned organs are a 100% match to the previous organ. “Stem cells have the ability to solve the organ rejection problem. Because stem cells can turn into any type of cell, they can be used to create organs or tissue that you need, using your own cells. Since the cells are your own, your body would be less likely to attack them as if they were foreign cells.” - Mary Kugler 

Cloning can also be used as a means to get better quality food as well as increased quantities. This is a benefit as there is current global concern about world hunger. More consistent food production should also bring food prices lower as when supply exceeds demand prices drop. “Another major advantage of cloning is that it can serve as a means to increase agricultural production, particularly livestock and fresh produce.” If you have concerns about the food and if it's healthy in the long term, rest assured that scientists have concluded that it is perfectly safe to eat. “After years of detailed study and analysis, the Food and Drug Administration has concluded that meat and milk from clones of cattle, swine (pigs), and goats, and the offspring of clones from any species traditionally consumed as food, are as safe to eat as food from conventionally bred animals.”

My final argument in support of cloning, is that cloning can stop species from becoming endangered/extinct.The scientific community can recreate endangered/extinct species with remaining DNA. With animals no longer going extinct the animal population will stay at a balanced level and current conservation efforts will no longer be required. “Some scientists say that cloning will be the best way to preserve endangered species and will provide humans with the means to bring extinct species back from the dead, so even conservation will not be necessary.” If a species is about to go extinct but they put them in a breeding program the new kind of that species will not have much genetic diversity compared to the others being bred, by cloning old species this will allow them to have much more diversity as scientists can use all kinds of different genetic variations. “Advanced reproductive technologies, including cloning, can save species by allowing us to restore genetic diversity that would have otherwise been lost to time.” - Ryan Phelan

Based on the outline above I continue to feel strongly that cloning is a positive scientific advancement that will greatly benefit medicine, food security and conservation areas. Though I understand that there are concerns surrounding the moral/ethical nature of cloning I do believe that the potential benefits outweigh the bad.

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