A Tragic Hero in Macbeth Essay Example

📌Category: Literature, Shakespeare
📌Words: 400
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 June 2021

A, tragic hero is someone with a tragic flaw that is of high social rank that dies. Macbeth is the tragic hero in Macbeth. One might argue that Lady Macbeth is the tragic hero because she helped Macbeth, her husband, become king. However, Macbeth is the tragic hero because his ambition caused him to kill Duncan which leads to destruction and Macbeth dying. 

Macbeth is a tragic hero because he is loyal to his country. When Macbeth moves from Thane of Glamis to Thane of Cawdor Duncan states that Macbeth is a "Worthy Gentlemen." To put it simply Duncan is telling Macbeth that he is respectful, trustworthy, and loyal. Duncan addresses Macbeth as "Worthy Thane." In other words, Duncan is calling him loyal and fit for being the Thane of Cawdor. Duncan describes Macbeth in this way because Duncan looks up to Macbeth, and they are friends. 

Macbeth is a tragic hero because of his ambition, and his tragic flaw. When he spoke with the three witches, they told him his prophecy. Macbeth had a "By any means necessary" type of attitude. By this, Macbeth did not care about what he had to do to become king. The three witches state "no one born of a woman can harm you." When the three witches told him that Macbeth became overly confident. When Macbeth became overly confident he also becomes dangers by being too confident he may do something to hurt someone. 

Although some believe, Lady Macbeth is the tragic hero because she is loyal to her Husband and helps him to carry out what he wishes. Some people may argue that Lady Macbeth is the tragic hero, but how can that be so? She used manipulation to get Macbeth to kill King Duncan. Macbeth did not want to kill Duncan unlit Land Macbeth insulted his manhood. Lady Macbeth called Macbeth a "coward" and said, he would "not be a man" until he killed Duncan. Macbeth just wanted lady Macbeth to love him and to see how strong he is so he though the only way to show her that was to kill the king. 

Macbeth is a tragic hero because he has one tragic flaw and is of high social ranking. Macbeth's ambition gets the best of him and he does hurtful thing to people who he cares about. Even, though some may believe that Lady Macbeth is the tragic hero. She is not the tragic hero because she has a variety of tragic flaws and a tragic hero is someone who has good intentions, but she does not have good intentions.


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