The Importance of Having a Hobby Essay Example

📌Category: Experience, Hobby, Life, Myself
📌Words: 1218
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 06 September 2021

Before the pandemic, I was struggling to diversify my interest and hobbies due to my demand working and studying schedules.  It was difficult for me to explore my hobbies and interests in a way that kept my mind stimulated. During the pandemic, however, I could find time to explore different interests while maintaining a balanced work schedule.

Once I got comfortable with my work, I could set my time aside to discover things that can keep me active and happy.  In the past six months, I took some Writing, Advertising, Digital Marketing classes and all, of which I had never taken to explore before the pandemic.  I am certainly glad that I did all of that because I needed to have more in my life besides working every day to keep me more occupied and continue to build up more skills and interests.

It is sad to see a lot of us have let goes of our interests and hobbies to meet the demands of our daily life activities.  We only live on earth once, so we should make the most out of it by living a happy life and do the things that we enjoy doing.  The best things can happen when you can live your hobby because it can give you with a sense of joy and pleasure as well as self-satisfaction.

I think the reason some people struggle to find a hobby or interest is that they do not know where to look or do not have enough information, or they might need more like-minded people to motivate them to explore.   My advice is to take the time to think and recognize your past interests, like childhood interests or hobbies. You can diversify your interests and take pride in what you can find yourself capable of learning certain skills, or hobbies such as playing an instrument or learning a new language in your spare time.

Spending time to do an activity that you enjoy that is not attached to your work or commitments can certainly increase your level of happiness and satisfaction in your life.  Doing this is for your benefit and not for the benefit of others.

With all the stress that our world is going through this moment like the pandemic, without having any interest or hobby, your life can become boring and demanding, and you can end up living an unhealthy life cycle.  Finding a hobby can certainly add some excitements and sparks that can increase your life satisfaction and can also improve your mental well being.

Exploring hobbies and interests should have no age limitations and restrictions if you are comfortable with them.  Everyone should have at least one hobby whether it is playing sports, watching movies, cooking, singing, writing, or reading.  You need to figure out what you like to do in your spare time and what you are good at so that you can do them for leisure.  

Do not ignore the benefits of taking time, to discover your new hobbies and interests because it can help us to disconnect and decrease the stress and anxiety level, especially during pandemic times.

The pandemic has given some people the opportunity to take on some new hobbies and interests and enhance their talents.

When you have diversified new hobbies, it can help you to learn some new skills which can increase your creativity, help you to relax, and to explore different sides of your personality.  Having more interesting hobbies can help you to become a more interesting and well-rounded person.  Having diversity in your hobbies can help you to expand your social life by making more new friends, improve the quality of your life, gain a different life perspective, build up your self-confidence and self-esteem as well as sharping your brain.

Diversifying new hobbies can be extremely rewarding and enriching to our lives.  We need to find hobbies that interest us because we can experience joy and pleasure in the process of exploring different options of hobbies.

Having multiple hobbies has proven to have many benefits to us and can change us for the better.  The following is some benefits of diversifying your hobbies and interests:

1. Hobbies can help us to distress

Having several hobbies can provide us with an opportunity to enrich our lives because they can allow us to distress.  Having hobbies can help us to improve our mental and physical health, as well as lowering our risk of having depression and critical illness.  Hobbies can increase a person’s sense of identity, self-worth and reduce self-doubt.  When you are adding a new hobby, it can be a good outlet to release stress because it allows you to take your mind off the demands of your work and life commitments.  Doing hobbies that you enjoy can restore your mind and help you to handle future life challenges in a better way.

2. Hobbies can help us to expand our social life

Having different hobbies can allow us to socialize and make new friends that can be a great benefit for our overall well-being.  We can build a connection with people who share similar interests and enjoy the same things as us.  Hanging out with like-minded people who have the same passion is a great way to expand your social life and can even help you transform your hobby into a career.  

3. Hobbies can make you an interesting person

When you have multiple interests and hobbies, it can make you a more interesting person because you would have more stories, experiences, and skills to share with people.  You can come across people who are interested in your hobbies and provide you with the opportunity to be a teacher and teach them what you have learned.

4.  Hobbies can help you to increase your self-confidence

When you have become more skilled and good at something, it would make you feel good and can increase your self-confidence.  Even though it can take time to develop your hobby, but the process can be extremely rewarding because you can be able to tell others about your skills and talents.  With the exposure to so many options of activities available nowadays, you should be able to diversify your hobbies and interests.  If your hobbies can provide you with a sense of purpose, then you can become more confident about challenging yourself to a new hobby and learning something new.

5.  Hobbies can increase your creativity

Some hobbies that can inspire us to be more creative, and this can be beneficial to people who can not be creative in their work.  When we can engage in a creative hobby, we can train our brains to be more creative in our lives.  Having creative hobbies can help us to experience new things and perspectives in our lives.  Having a new hobby can give you more exposure to diversity, new opinions as well as new views in life.

6.  Hobbies can help you to explore yourself and discover your talents

By exploring and diversifying our hobbies, we can discover our interests and what we are passionate about, and there is nothing that can stop us from becoming the best once we have put our mind to achieve them. Trying out new hobbies would allow you to learn more about yourself as well as discover some of your hidden talents.

7.  Hobbies allow you to take a break

Do you feel that all you do every day is getting up and going to work, coming home, sleeping, and going back to work the next day?  The benefit of having hobbies can help you to break the daily boring routine and add some excitements to your days as well as giving you a sense of living purpose. 

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