What the Bill of Rights Means to Me? Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Law, Laws and Acts
đź“ŚWords: 360
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 02 October 2022

Without freedom of speech, everyone would be alike and would not be able to express themselves. Anyone deserves the right to speak their mind and heart fully. With the Bill of Rights, anybody has the authority to do so. Before The Bill of Rights America was not as a pleasing country as it is today. The Bill of Rights is important to me because it helps people express themselves without fear of punishment, choose their own religion, and form a safer union in which people can gather together in public.

Freedom of speech is a highly crucial amendment, it lets people express their minds and heart fully. Before this amendment, people were agitated with fear of punishment. Americans in the past suffered from not having the right to speak their mind. Some even faced larger consequences or punishments later on. Now, in the year  2022 anyone in the country of America may articulate their opinion.

Respecting other people's religion or god may seem like an easy job, right? However, in the early 1700s society had essentially no respect at all. People could not follow their own religion until around 1800, when the first amendment was made. Citizens around the world can now follow any religion or god they would like in the public eye. People will now receive the respect and peace they deserve towards their religion. 

Gathering with larger groups of family, friends, or neighbors is incredibly encouraged especially to help one’s social skills. Ever since The Bill of Rights groups have been able to gather in peace and in open spaces. For example malls, parks, fairs, restaurants, and far more. Government groups are finally able to meet and talk freely. We also can not forget people now have privacy in and out of their homes. The homeowner also has to be “okay” with a person inside their home. Currently, with The Bill of Rights people are more openly seeing family or friends wherever they desire.

Thanks to The Bill of Rights, we have a set of laws all must follow. Ever since these laws America has been a more peaceful and pleasing county. Without The Bill of Rights, our lack of precise laws and rules would fall apart. Leaving America in an unstable and strait situation. Always remember to thank those who made the Bill of Rights possible.

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