The Way We Make Decisions Essay Example

📌Category: Behavior, Psychology
📌Words: 538
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 June 2021

Your actions are always affected based upon how you thought the outcome was going to happen. In “What’s the rush?: Young Brains Caused Doomed Love” by Lexi Tucker talks about how at certain ages people's behavior and thoughts are affected. The Opinions of others affect them but everyone takes it differently it’s them to decide what they should do. People makes these decisions so later when they stumble upon this again, then they have more options.

People take risks so later own they know the circumstances, this later own let the person think what the outcome of something is by experience. To support this “ However teens sometimes are in really serious situations before the prefrontal cortex is good to go, and they might neglect to think about possible consequences before taking action.”(tucker 3) This shows teens think about the different choices they have based on the situation which shows based on one’s opinion can affect the outcome. Which leads to my second evidence, “ we take risks when we are going to learn how to make good decisions when circumstances…”(tucker 4) To this, people take risks so they know the outcome because once the situation comes back, more thought is put into it. Much leads into my other point, but to recap, everyone at a certain age make different decisions.

People discuss these options in their head and see what's best and come to an agreement. To support “in the play, the teens decide they are madly in love just after meeting each other.”(tucker 2). This comes to show these two people came to an agreement and decided to spend their time together, and decided that was best for them. Our brain is not to blame, to support this “However, teens sometimes are in really serious situations before the prefrontal cortex is good to go…”(tucker 4). This comes to show we come to our own understandings and make our choices without it being controlled so it shows we have control for a while. This all shows are brain is not is the problem but not all people agree.

People may argue, they do what they do because their told to. One said “the premature prefrontal possibility of being hurt or hurting someone else feels very remote.”(tucker 4). This shows when you feel like something needs to be done, it feels like you being controlled, this shows people feel controlled and feel like they need to do this which also brings they aren’t deciding and their decisions are being chosen for them. To support “ what scientist are discovering, however is that the brain is probably to blame.”(tucker 3). Scientist are showing that what decisions we have made was because our brain, this shows were aren’t intierally the ones making the decisions and are made for us. 

To conclude the opinions of others affect them but everyone takes it differently it’s them to decide what they should do. People take risks so later own they know the circumstances, this later own let the person think what the outcome of something is by experience. People discuss these options in their head and see what's best and come to an agreement.  People say that when they feel a certain way then they feel that they need to do, like if your angry at someone, then you feel like hurting them. Action happen because something caused it, the opinions of other for example affects one's choices. This comes to show we are affected by one's opinions.


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