Reflection on Why Do People Believe in Ghosts? (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 522
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 October 2022

Have you ever thought about why so many people believe in ghosts and are so desperate about learning more about them? People want to believe in ghosts because a lot of it is neurological and there are a lot of instances that can’t be explained. While some scientists believe that ghosts are not realistic since we can’t see them,  I still believe that ghosts are real, and here’s why more people should too.

Ghosts are really a lot of instances that can’t be explained Sometimes the ghost stories had no easy conclusions? according to Open House on Haunted Hill “The sound makes Ana pinwheel around, and she points at the door. She says, “Daddy! It’s ghosts!”. Ghosts' stories most of the time can’t be explained therefore the idea of ghosts actually exists or not. It also states “With the sound of an affectionate kitten, the door opens. Shock hits the adults, who definitely don’t remember there being a room there”.  this means that a lot of people are really eager to see what would happen and that’s what makes them keep exploring. 

People want to believe in ghosts because a lot of it has to do with neurological. Also, a lot of people want to believe that there’s life after death and this is a common belief among lots of cultures and religions. This belief gives many people comfort when they lose a loved one. People also are eager to learn and believe in ghosts because it’s thrilling and there’s proof. In the same way, people love scary movies and terrifying rollercoasters, believing that there are spirits of the dead is just plain thrilling. Most ghost hunters don’t even see ghosts as evil spirits but as a way of thrilling and searching for the afterlife. Also when someone is touching your shoulder and no one else is around who is it? A ghost?. A lot of believing in ghost have to do with people wanting to believe in them. In their minds, for example, they hear a lot of stories and be convinced that they truly do exist.  According to “the crying lady in the Dakota New York, where a lot of rich people live there happens a story where Jhon Lennon and Yoko Ono moved into the building in 1973, Before Jhon’s death, he claimed to have seen a ghost and described her as “ the crying lady ghost. In addition Lennon green interview that included him reading a letter that predicted his death”. Also in the text, it says that “Musician Joey Harrow, who lived near the Dakota, claimed to see Lennon’s ghost standing in the archway just a few years after his murder, surrounded by an “eerie light.” This shows that this story is not only neurological but it’s true as well.  

So people believe in ghosts for so many different reasons. One can be because people hear lots of different stories and by the time they believe in them or because ghosts are not always viewed as evil by people sometimes they can be viewed as another way of spirit and life. People might believe in ghosts because they’re neurologically convincing or at other times people can’t explain why they feel a certain way. By all counts, it is no wonder that people believe in ghosts but different beliefs that connect them back to life and living.

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