Peter Pan Movie vs. Book (Free Essay Sample)

đź“ŚCategory: Books, Entertainment, Literature, Movies
đź“ŚWords: 345
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 02 October 2022

Have you ever wondered what the differences are between the novel version of Peter Pan and the film version of Peter pan. The novel Peter Pan by James Matthew Barrie is about three children going to the neverlands.

The setting of the novel “Peter Pan” is different from the film of Peter Pan in three different ways. In the novel Tinkerbell  saves Peter Pan From drinking poison. Tinkerbell saves Peter Pan from drinking Captain Hook’s poison. Also Peter Pan disguised himself as Wendy to surprise Captain Hook. Wendy was captured by Captain Hook and Peter saved her and disguised himself as Wendy to surprise Captain Hook. Finally Peter Pan and Wendy’s daughter had Springs Cleaning Time . Peter Pan and Wendy’s daughter had Springs Cleaning Time because Wendy couldn’t go to the Neverlands so her daughter could only go to the Neverlands for the week.

The setting of the film “ Peter Pan” differs from the novel in a few important ways. First of all the crocodile still had its tick, Captain Hook. The crocodile tried to eat Captain Hook and Hook stole the crocodile’s tick. Secondly Wendy never grew up and had kids. When Wendy got home from the neverlands she never grew up. Finally when Mr Darling saw Captain Hook’s ship he remembered his childhood with Peter Pan and the neverlands.

Both the film and the novel of Peter Pan have many similarities in their setting. First, Tinkerbell Tried to kill Wendy in both the novel and the film. Tinkerbell was jealous of Wendy so she tried to kill her. Second,  In both the movie and the film of Peter Pan, Peter Pan banished Tinkerbell from the Neverlands For trying to kill Wendy. Third, Peter Pan fought a fair fight against Captain Hook . Peter didn’t want to fight an unfair fight against Captain Hook in both the novel and film of Peter Pan.

After reading and viewing the novel and the film of Peter Pan, one can see that while many elements of the setting were similar in the book and the film, several were different.  The story was filled with imagination and adventure, but the changes in setting of the movie made it even more understandable.

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